Mission To Drey

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Scene, Digma, Riza, Myrum, Roserian, Ousse, Larto, Renga and Hozier aren't just planet names that I learned during infotransmition when I was young, they are pieces of my life, I've been looking for Drey all of my it and that is how far I've gotten. Traveled thousands of ars and gone to so many different planets to have reached nothing.

"Jonas, we have a problem, there are asteroids in the megastyr in front of us" called Sylver.

"Activate the disintegration system and reintegrate us after passing it"

"There is not enough time"

"Then just..." I set my hands over my head, the headaches have increased tremendously in the last few years, apparently traveling at riot's speed is not as healthy as light's speed, but it certainly makes it faster "Decrease our size so we can go through it, make us as small as the 1/100 of a nuclear atom"

She started with her work "Jonas, we've been looking for way to long, I think it maybe time to give up. Your travel sickness has gone to an atomic level, the radiation is killing you, we cannot treat you with atotherapy any longer".

"I'm perfectly fine Sylver, we need to keep looking, I won't give up on Drey"

"But Jonas, you don't even know if it's real, it was just a dream"

"We've talked about this! It was not a dream, I could physically communicate with Drey through dreams"

"There is no such a thing" she said angrily, "you'll never find your mystery person! you have to get over it and move on"

"I've heard enough!" I said standing up "I'm going to hypersleep"

"Jonas! Don't walk out on me like that!"

"Wake me up when we arrive to Riza"
I said ignoring the her last comment and went straight on to the freezingbed.


"We're in Riza" she said still angry when she opened the freezing bed for me to get out.

I stood up and went for my vekro injection, it helped me to get my lounges capable of breathing in Riza's atmosphere. We went straight on to visit the migration doctors.

"I'm afraid you're on a extremely critical state of radiomolecular cancer" the doctor said. Nothing I didn't already know. My sickness will destroy me until there is nothing left on me than pure air I've been to nine planets on 12 years and is starting to show, apparently my intern molecules are eating each other, and they won't stop. I'm going to die. But I need to find Drey first.

We finished migration and I went straight to the center of the small planet, it was no bigger than a small town but then again, everything is relative. Maybe it was here. Maybe it was in Riza where I would finally find Drey.

I sat in the corner of a small monument of some sort of ancient statue in a park used to know as Kensington gardens millions of years ago before earth the mother planet splited and turned into smaller ones like Riza. The statue was young boy with a pan with fishwomen and others with wings crawling up to him. Or at least that's what it looked like to me.

"Hi" I heard a familiar voice calling while I was looking at the statue.

I turned around my eyes widening when they met with those dark brown. They seemed to smile with the sparkle that came from the dying star that the planet life came from "its you" the planet was shaking and my vision was blurred to death. I fell.

"Sir. Sir. Wake up" a kid said.

I opened my eyes rapidly "Where am I?" I asked the kid that had some strange things under his arms"

"London Sir."

"London? But that's impossible Riza wasn't called like that since the catastrophe with Belggia years ago" Years.

"Are you ok sir?"

"What year are we?"

"3075 sir, You want some electrorefil?"

I stood up incredibly fast, 3075? Riza is still London because the earth is still the earth, that means my molecules somehow transported to the past. There is nothing I can do, I'll never see my Drey again... But the again I was wrong. There Drey was, at the other side of the path. Waiting. Our eyes met again, but this time forever.


The strange men disappeared in front of my own eyes just as he appeared, I never found him again, and I doubt I ever will, but if there is something I do know about that man is that he was very, very lost on love, I could perfectly see it through his eyes.

"Jonas" I heard my mother calling.

"What is it?"

"Remember, we have your infotransmition in a few hours, You're going to space!" She said exited. "Time can pass differently on dimensions, maybe you return in an hour like a grown men"

But that didn't happen, I returned millions of years after that, earth was destroyed and my precious London was now turned into some sort of futuristic planet called Riza, I decided to delate my memory, I couldn't bare my memories. But the most painful thing was to have to forget my mother. I recurrently had dreams of her, delating you're memory can be a slow process. My name is Jonas Smith, her name was Drey, that's all I can remember, but I have find her. She calls me crying on my dreams. She says she misses me.

Mission To DreyWhere stories live. Discover now