The First Change Of Corazon

Start from the beginning

Alpha, however, displays confusion at the mention of Diablos the demon, questioning if it's a mere fairy tale.

"Oh, it's more than just a story," I reply, a small, wry smile tugging at my lips. "Long ago, Diablos threatened the world with annihilation. It took the combined effort of three brave warriors—a human, an elf, and a therianthrope—to defeat him and save us all."

Alpha acknowledges the tale but remains unaware of the Curse of Diablos, which is the very affliction that ravaged her body. Astonishment fills her features as I unveil this information.

"The Curse of Diablos exists, my dear Alpha. It is the curse of the possessed, the very ailment that has affected you," I explain, watching her horror-stricken expression.

"The heroes who defeated the demon have endured this illness through generations. Once, it was curable, much like your own condition."

I emphasize this falsehood, pointing to her unblemished skin as evidence, despite the fact that we both know I am weaving a web of lies. How pathetic of me.

"It's a mark, Alpha. Proof of your lineage to those heroic saviors of old. The possessed were once celebrated and protected in the past."

I allow a tinge of bitterness to creep into my voice. "But now, they have become targets of shame. There are those who have rewritten history, concealing the truth of our heritage and the cure for the curse. They orchestrate a scheme to resurrect Diablos, for the possessed possess great magical energy and serve as a crucial military force for us. But in the eyes of Diablos' supporters, they are nothing but a nuisance."

Alpha's expression contorts with anger and realization. "So, we are called the possessed and discarded..."

"Indeed," I affirm, my gaze steady. "You have lost your home and your family, unjustly accused of crimes you did not commit. These individuals are despicable."

Her agreement is swift and vehement. "Absolutely detestable."

"The Cult of Diablos is our enemy, operating in the shadows. Like them, we, too, must conceal ourselves. We shall lurk in darkness and hunt down those shadows."

Understanding dawns in Alpha's eyes. "If they possess the power to manipulate behind the scenes, they must be formidable. Countless individuals remain unaware of the truth."

I nod, my expression serious. "Our journey will be fraught with danger, but we must press on. Are you prepared to stand with me?"

Her response is resolute, her intense blue eyes fixed on mine. "If that is your wish, I shall dedicate my life to it. We will mete out justice to these sinners through their demise."

Internally, I celebrate the success of my manipulation.

Alpha's unwavering trust in my fabricated tale allows me to accuse and eliminate thief syndicates in the area, conveniently labeling them as members of the non-existent Cult that at the same time might exist considering the world I'm in.

We can intervene in battles, posing as shadow commanders, and uttering pretentious words of warning.

But beneath this façade of a mastermind, I can feel something shifting within me. I find myself questioning why I'm starting to feel and understand, why the line between being a mastermind and being human begins to blur. It's a melancholic state of mind that I try to hide beneath my mastermind façade.

But for now, I must continue with my grand charade. Alpha must grow stronger, and we must seek out other descendants of heroes, protecting and uniting them.

Though the truth is twisted, and my true intentions may never be revealed, I am determined to carry on this intricate web of lies.

Perhaps, as time goes on, I'll discover the answers to my own questions. And maybe, just maybe, I'll find the solace I've been longing for in the depths of this convoluted game I'm playing.

"I suppose, for now, our focus should be on honing our magical abilities and engaging in combat training. While I shall take the lead in actual battles, you must grow stronger to handle smaller adversaries," I suggest, preparing my wooden sword.

I block Alpha's attack, surprised by the unexpected intensity behind her strike. Alpha possesses an innate talent and an abundance of magical energy, both of which I can harness effectively.

Under the moonlit sky, I swing my wooden sword, lost in thought as these ideas swirl within my mind.


'This is a shorter chapter than the last one, but expect a longer one this Thursday since these 3 chapters were really just the prologue.'

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