Chapter 9

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Macon's POV      (Mature descriptions ahead including limited violence)

"This is the last warehouse on your list of suited ventures, Sir I promise I won't take up more of your time." Ms. Patton, the realtor we hired for our private tour says calmly.

I barely made eye contact with her as I scanned the surrounding buildings for security purposes. The road leading to this one hadn't been cleaned in at least a month. It was filthy and I kicked at the ground causing asphalt dust to cling to the air. The realtor looked at my face with a nervous sweat present on her upper brow. She wanted to please me and sell me something. I said and did nothing to drive her away. She was staring at me for far too long. Taking the hint finally she unlocked the safety chains and slid the massive door open. A light above the door turned on and our small party entered. She rattled off all the details of the warehouse and specs. The numbers swirled in my head as I followed my bodyguard and financial advisor inside the lofty space. 40,000 feet of space lay ahead of me. Ms. Patton went over to the left wall and flipped a switch that slowly lit the place up. With 2 floors and a central HVAC system, it checked off all my boxes. My financial man next to me asked all the same questions he had at the last 4 properties.

Ms. Patton answered all his questions just as she had before and looked at me since I made the final call. She was right but as I stood upon the space barely in the door it was time to reveal my real interest in these properties. I walked into the middle of the iron room and stared up at the skylight making my final decision as I stared. I turned my eyes from the skylight to my financial man who shook his head at the property. It was too big for his tastes. My face didn't change as I felt disappointed, clearly no one shared my vision. I finished craning my head up and walked back to Ms. Patton.

"Now, I want this space so I'm paying you to get this deal and I want an immediate close on this property. Call the seller and make the deal outside. Get out now." I say whipping her around and shoving her outside the door slamming it for emphasis. With the witness gone I walked over to my financial advisor. He stands firm as I get into his face, and launch my fist at him. A satisfying crack echoes around the building as I watch him flinch from the impact.

"Don't ever act like that again, you are not my father's man anymore. Now go outside and finish the deal." I spit at him.

He grits his teeth and his eyes go crazy with rage. I expect it especially since he dared to defy me in front of a business deal. My father's men are all the same. Expecting me to be a carbon copy of him. My father has lacked so many things during my lifetime. I'm not the least surprised his attitude has rubbed off and been copied by his lackeys. I tilt my head to the side with my signature dead eyes and RBF present. His eyes bulge and he licks his teeth holding back his feelings. I could break him so easily, I bet it would just take my cocky smirk. He fights himself and slowly turns around and exits the sliding door towards the realtor.

My bodyguard, Prick, coughs up a snicker and then shifts back and forth on his legs. Prick has always behaved excellently in front of everyone but me. I have had him by my side through everything the last couple of years. He was handpicked for me and I never slip his gaze simply because he reminds me of my duties. Prick was born to be my underboss but never showed the same inclination towards business as my other friends. He took over for me a couple of years ago and when I buried my head into the business to get away from it all, I couldn't make sense of it. The man has no business sense. But he has been trained since birth to assist me so I sent him out to become my right hand man. He came back darker but trained by the best. I expect he has foiled many plans to kill me than he will ever let on. I simmer inside ready to boil over with impatience. I already know this building will hold the expansion nicely. My phone goes off with a message from my father. Another one bings on my phone and I slide it into airplane mode.

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