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It has been a couple of weeks since then and Howie is freaking out. His daughter is due any day now and nothing has happened. To add more chaos to the mix Maddie is hurrying him up for a name. Right now we are coming back from a call. Howie checks his phone for the millionth time today. Before I can say anything Eddie chimes in with his opinion.

"Shannon and I didn't know what to call Christopher. That was until we met him. Then we knew," Eddie explains. That makes sense. With that Howie sends Maddie a text with Eddie's idea. I can tell that Maddie replied instantly by the way that Howie's face scrunched.

"Let me guess, she didn't like that idea?" I ask as we turn our attention to getting ourselves to the rec room.

"She called me psycho," Howie responds. Bobby soon intercepts Howie as I head to the locker room. After a minute I am summoned.

"Didn't we just restock the ambulance?" I check as I join him.

"You can never be too prepared," Howie addresses both of us. I glance at Bobby as he leaves us.. A sigh falls from my mouth. There is nothing that he can do. Since the ambulance had been stocked before it is a matter of double-checking everything. After a few minutes of triple-checking everything we are about to head back to the rec area when the signal bell goes. After a few tense minutes, we have made it to one of the worst pile-ups that I have ever seen. As soon as our boots hit the ground Bobby radios in for backup. As soon as he is done he turns his attention to us.

"Ella, Chim I want you two to triage as many people as you can. Everyone else make sure you get the scene under control," Bobby takes charge. After what feels like an eternity Howie and I have done everything that we can. Luckily for us, backup has arrived. With that Howie and I turn our attention to getting people out.

"Make sure everybody stays back until all of the cars have been de-energised and all of the airbags have been checked," Bobby radios in. After Bobby briefs Athena, Bobby realises that there is a kid in the car. With that Howie and I move to help him. Eddie and I use a halligan while Buck gets the jaws.

"One. Two. Three," Eddie counts us in. With the countdown over Eddie and I use all of our combined strength to manually pry open the door. Unfortunately, we need Buck to hurry up.

"Buck get in there now," Sensing my worry Bobby hurries Buck. After what feels like an eternity Buck gives up.

"The roof is bent too far inwards," Buck announces. With that, we switched to plan B. After a tense minute, we finally have the roof off the car. I soon spotted the boy. The first thing that I notice is the rise and fall of his chest.

"Cap, I have eyes on the boy. He is still breathing," I announce.

"Alright. Buck get the halligan," With that order, Buck pries open what's left of the door. Now that we have access to the vehicle Howie and I get to work.

"We have a young male victim with a possible vertebrae break. Eddie get me a backboard," Howie gives us his report.

"Pulse is steady. Multiple lacerations and airbag burns," I give my report. There is something else but for some reason, I can't put my finger on it.

"What h-happened?" The woman asked weakly. Her slurred speech confirms my feelings.

"Do you think her slurred speech is a symptom of her injuries?" Athena asks as she approaches the vehicle.

"I can't be sure yet but I believe that she was driving under the influence," I voice my concerns.

"Dispatch says she was acting odd before the crash too," Athena only deepens my suspicion. After some back and forth we finally have a plan for getting the boy out.

The Nature of the Emergency (Evan 'Buck' Buckley X OC)Where stories live. Discover now