Part 28 - Sleepy Morning

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The first thing you notice is warmth. Soft, glowing warmth spreads from your chest to your fingertips. As you trickle from a hazy, pleasant dream into gentle wakefulness, you realize that... your... bed doesn't feel this warm...?

Your eyelashes flutter and your vision catches soft sunlight. Just barely morning. But... past the sunlight, you see... things that aren't supposed to be in your room.

A small cup of lollipop suckers and a trashcan of wrappers. A familiar black hat. A white jacket, draped over a desk chair. A hamper of clothes that most definitely are not yours.

And behind you, an arm drapes over your waist, warm breath against your neck.

Immediately, your heart begins to bounce around the inside of your ribcage, heat flooding your face. All the little thoughts spinning around your head practically burst as your mental question is answered. 

You're not in your room... you're in Garcello's.

Behind you, your boyfriend yawns softly, his arms loosening their grips on you. No wonder you were so warm-- this guy might as well be a human furnace. He shifts and you tense up, mind flitting between just staying as you are or pretending to be asleep.

"...(Y/N)?" his low, sleepy voice whispers. Your heart might as well be beating out of your chest at the sound of his gravelly yet oh-so-soft morning voice. He goes quiet for a second. "...I know you're awake, you know."

Ah. Busted.

Swallowing, you turn around, shifting in bed to face Garcello. As soon as you do, the world pauses. 

His hair is tossed back, messy, long fluffy strands covering parts of his face. His hair's just a bit longer nowadays, though it's hardly noticeable. He's been tying it back a fair bit more often due to the length. You wouldn't mind if he cut it, but you certainly don't mind having him tie it back. It's... a homey look. Domestic, you would even say.

Past his teal locks, you see his eyes: a deep void, sunlit the richest shade of honey brown you've ever seen. Those little flecks of turquoise are still there, practically glowing, and you wonder if those are a side effect of the cigarettes. Even though he's been clean for a while now, it wouldn't surprise you if the eyes last forever. Not that you mind.

His pajama top is ruffled, slightly undone at the neck, showing a peek of his collarbone and chest hair. Every day, you're just a little baffled at the fact that his teal hair seems to be entirely natural... It became evident when you got a hard look at his forearm and noticed all his body hair was the same hue as the stuff on his head. Sure, his stubble was teal, but you had your doubts. You'll never forget the way he laughed at your expression the day you found out.

"Good morning," he says ever so quietly, snapping you out of your daze. His smug little grin says everything you need to know. If you weren't lying down, you swear you'd be weak-kneed. 

"...morning," you just barely manage through your bursting heart. The way Garcello's eyes crinkle at the corners as he smiles does your heart rate no favors. "How'd you sleep?"

"Pretty good." He gently tugs you closer, pressing a delicate kiss to your forehead. Against his chest, you can hear his voice rumble through his ribs-- an odd feeling, but certainly not unwelcome. "You?"

"Like a baby," you say with a smile that you know looks far too lovesick. "Anyways, wanna explain how we ended up in your bed?"

That smile on your face only grows as Garcello blinks, leaning back a little. The tables turn oh-so-quickly when his cheekbones dust over with a gorgeous rosy hue and the line of his mouth wobbles. Flustered and positively adorable, he looks away, laughing nervously.

"Phrasing," he mutters under his breath softly, then clears his throat. "Well, uh, we took a taxi home after that concert. I'm sure you remember that much, right?"

You nod along, at least as much as you can while still partially horizontal. 

"Well, you kind of conked out after that. In the car. And I worried your house might be too far away, so I just kind of... brought you home...?" He grins sheepishly, still not meeting your gaze.

"And I didn't wake up during any of that?"

"I think you might've been taking one too many shifts lately, to be frank." 

...well. You can't exactly argue that too much.

You let out a small muffled sigh, nuzzling into Garcello a little. You're surprised at how easily you fit into his embrace. Like you were always meant to be there. As you lay against his chest, you can feel his heart hammer, the rhythm partly frantic as his skin heats up.

"You're like a human furnace," you can't help but comment, smiling. Garcello laughs and holds you close. 

"Yeah, I wonder why that is," he murmurs into your hair. 

"Because of all the burning love you have for me," you say jokingly. But instead of laughing, he just sighs into you and cradles you a bit closer.

"Eh, you're right about that."

You choke.

"You-- I was kidding--"

"Well, I'm not."


He laughs warmly, nuzzling his face against your cheek. His stubble scratches your face but you can't help but love it, just because it's him.

"Sorry," he says, and you know for a fact he isn't the least bit apologetic, "You're too cute. And for the record, you are the reason I'm burning up so bad."

Ah. That's definitely not gonna stick with you for the rest of eternity.

"Speaking of which..." Garcello gently pulls away from you, wiping a bit of sweat from his neck. "It's kind of hot in here, huh? You mind if I--"

Before he can even finish that sentence, you've caged him in your arms. Practically stuck like glue. He blinks.

".....Can I--"



"Only if your suggestion was to turn on the air conditioning and then come back to cuddle again."

Garcello pauses before his lips pull into a small, goofy smile. He pats your head softly.

"...Okay, that's a better idea than mine. I'll do that."

Smiling, you loosen your grip on Garcello and allow him to stand, feeling like a hundred bucks. He gets up with a small grunt and stretches his back, taking a moment to quietly mutter under his breath as his spine pops a few times. You watch him head for the AC, sighing contently.

You don't think there's ever been a better way to spend a morning.



holy crap i died. school killed me. came back from the grave just to drop a silly slice of life bit and then fade into the abyss again

see you in another few months (????)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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