Telling (Y/N)

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Natasha sat down with little (Y/N) and smiled softly at her. "Baby girl guess what?" She waited for some type of response. (Y/N) sorta slumped to one side and giggled. "Mama!" "Yes baby. Mama has to tell you something."
"Som ting?"
"Yes baby. Mama is having another baby."
"Mama... Baba?"
"Baby, sweetie. Mama is having another baby."
"Ba bee?" She tilted her little head and crawled towards Natasha. (Y/N) put her little hand on her belly.
"Ba bee...?"
Natasha teared up and giggled.
"Yes (Y/N). He or she will be right in Mama's belly."
"Bel wee." She repeated, still with her hand on her stomach.
"And you'll be a big sister!"
"Big Swiss tar!"
Natasha smiled and kissed her head.

Avengers x Baby!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now