(23) A Bad Day for Bucky

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A year later,

Bucky had been at Zantana's house since work was a half day for him. Rather than pick up Mason from daycare early. Bucky chose to hang out with Zantana until 330, they drank and smoke. 

When 330 rolled around Bucky began to go.

"You sure it's a good idea for you to pick him up?" Zantana said 

"Yeah, I've done it a bunch of times like this." He said as they walked out. 

"Bucky it's raining." Zantana said 

"I'll be fine Zane." He said as he got into his car and left. 

Bucky picked up Mason, and they grabbed some McDonald's before heading home. The rain began to pick up, and Bucky tried to stop when a deer ran out in front of him. He hydroplaned and tried to gain control but he ended up flipping the car into a ditch. 

His apple watch detected it as well as OnStar, and first responders were immediately called on to the scene. Susie was called once they arrived at the ER, and James and Marcia were paged to the ER. Zantana called Susie when she called to check on Bucky and he didn't answer. She rushed to the ER as well. 

The doctors came out, and said "Hi I'm Dr Blakely, your son is going to be fine he has a few bumps and bruises. But his car seat saved him." Dr Blakely said 

"And my husband?" Susie said as she let out a sign of relief. 

"He on the other hand has a concussion, some bruises on ribs and whiplash. But we also ran a toxicology report. He had weed and opioids in his system. And his blood alcohol level was high." Dr Caldwell said 

James looked down, and shook his head. Once the doctors left Susie turned her attention to Zantana. 

"You knew and you let him get in a car?! You let him go pick up my 14 month old son!" Susie snapped 

"I tried to stop him Susie. He said he was fine." Zantana said 

"I want you to leave! You caused all this! He told me how you got him what he needed since highschool! And now your recklessness almost cost me my son! Get out!" Susie said 

James grabbed her, "Shh calm down Susie now isn't the time for this. Let's just go see Mason and James okay." He said as she cried in his arms.

"Susie Im sorry he said he does it all the time that he's never had a problem " Zantana said as she left. 

Bucky woke up a few days later to see James and Marcia in his room. 

"Mason? Where is Mason?" He said 

"Mason is fine he was discharged yesterday." James said 

Bucky looked down, and whispered "there was a deer it ran out.." 

"Son I don't care what happened. What I do care about is how you could be so stupid as to get in a car and put your son in danger!" James snapped.

He looked down. 

When Bucky was released, he went home to find all of Susie's stuff and some of Mason's stuff gone. On the coffee table in the living room was divorce papers and her rings. He sat down on the couch. 

When they went to court a month later, the judge ordered Bucky to go to rehab and get a sponsor. Susie asked and was granted full custody while Bucky got supervised visits. As they walked out he saw Winnie. 

She hugged him, "Come home with me baby and we'll get you some help." She said as she held his face. 

"No..you left me." He whispered then he walked away. 

She saw James, "This is your fault! First the double life and lies, which caused us to lose Bianca and now our son has become a addict all because of you!" Winnie snapped 

"Winnie don't start and maybe you should take a look in the mirror before you start throwing stones at me! You left and moved to another state and haven't been around except when it's convenient for you!" James said and walked off. 

Bucky moved out of the house, and back in with Zantana. They both agreed to get help together. 

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