Cassie:" With this new army, he's preparing to overthrow Earthrealm and Outworld. He's a lunatic and as of now, we're not prepared to face an invasion."

Y/N:" And you want me to join you, right?"

Raiden:" Yes. I had a vision of a mighty warrior that would support us and save Earthrealm from this tyrant. We have strong warriors, yes, but you are the last piece to this puzzle."

Y/N:" I had my fair share of fightin' for today. And why me? Don't you usually have your 'Chosen One'?"

Liu:" Unfortunately it is not that easy this time. You see, our reserves are drained and we have a hard time rebuilding everything."

Cassie:" And the Special Forces can't cover for everything."

Y/N:" Just to make myself clear: it's not about money, no material possessions or anything. The realms need a defender though, ayy?"

Raiden:" Yes and we could really use your help in this war."

Y/N took a moment to think. He did fight a lot, yes, but he never felt like he was anything special. Running this saloon was hard enough as it was and going with them would mean he had to give up this place because he only trusted himself with keeping it stable.
On the other hand, the fate of billions of peoole was on the line and he hated seeing others suffer. To help him nake the decision, the young man poured himself a shot and immediately slamned it back like it was nothing.

 To help him nake the decision, the young man poured himself a shot and immediately slamned it back like it was nothing

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Y/N:" Okay...I see how serious you all are about this. This new bad guy seems to be a thorn in your side."

Cassie:" He's a maniac."

Y/N:" There are a few conditions you gotta agree on before I join you guys."

Raiden:" You shall get whatever you require, Y/N."

Y/N:" Okay, good.

First: I want a room for myself and a key for my door. Don't need anyone walking in on me.

Second: I do my own training routine. I know my fighting style best after all.

Third: I do not wanna be controlled. I will do whatever I see fit.

And hurt anyone I know and love, you'll be decimated into dust by yours truly."

Liu:" Are you threatening us?

Y/N:" Did it sound that way, hotshot?"

The two men looked ready to fight right now and were about to go at it, but Raiden stepped in and kept them separated in order to not sour this deal.

The two men looked ready to fight right now and were about to go at it, but Raiden stepped in and kept them separated in order to not sour this deal

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Raiden:" I would suggest not to fight amongst ourselves. We have the same enemy and we need every ounce of energy to beat his forces."

Y/N:" Whoever that guy is, he's got a death wish. I ain't stopping 'til he's dead."

Liu:" That is something I can agree on."

Cassie:" So Y/N, ready to make the trip?"

Y/N:" Yeah, let's get going. I don't have much to take with me anyway."

Raiden:" Excellent. Earthrealm will never forget what you did, Y/N."

Liu:" Just try not to get killed or anything."

Y/N just rolled his eyes, grabbed a small bag and then the four made their way back to what was basically an HQ. There was a lot going on as is, but with a new threat looming overhead, there was no telling of what was going to happen.


So everyone, here we are. The intro for the book is done. Tell me:

What do you think of the intro?

Do you have any name suggestions, looks or backstory ideas for the new evil?

Thank you and see you soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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