Home life

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It was the same every day, wake up, school, go home, sleep.

It had been like that for the first 3 years of highschool for Arthur, he had honestly expected worse though. Despite things going slightly better than expected he still had something that wouldn't go away no matter how many councillors he talked to.

His mother's constant questions about when he was going to get a girlfriend.

She would always ask every day to something along the lines of "You talked to any girls you like yet?" And Arthur hated it.

His mum even payed for a girl to go on a date with him which went about as well as you'd expect, just sitting there awkwardly for half an hour or so.

Arthur knew his mum meant well, she always did, but she always got the wrong impression from stuff he was saying and wanted to know way too much about his personal life.

He'd tried to tell his mum multiple times that he'd never found any girl he'd ever met romantically interesting but she just said "You just haven't met the right one yet" or "You'll find one you like dont worry"

The latter particularly bothered him, she probably meant personality but he always took it meaning how they looked which he took even less interest in.

He'd always been told he'd find a girl who would "Set him straight" but he never did, even now when those feelings were meant to crudely force there way into his head they just never came.


Not for a girl anyway...


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