"I needed some liquid confidence so I could talk to people," he grinned. Lexi rolled her eyes and hugged Kelly tightly.

Christian was next to embrace her, with Geri excitedly following. "Ally Cat, you look beautiful," he commended, his eyes reflecting a sense of pride for both her.

"She looks like her mother." Sebastian smiled warmly. Christian nodded. Alexandra smiled sadly.

"You're incredible, you know that, right?" Geri intervened. "You've proved so many people wrong this year, love. You've been so strong. Enjoy tonight, you deserve it more than anyone." Geri smiled.

Press interviews became a brief interlude in the procession as reporters began heckling to Alexandra and Charles.

Lexi, a master at concealing her unease, navigated the questions with practiced finesse. Charles, the supportive partner, occasionally chimed in, steering the conversation toward the celebration of both the film and Lexi's transition to the world of F1.

Together, Lexi and Charles continued their stroll down the carpet. The love among them spoke volumes, their body language always pulling them as close to each other as possible, like magnets.

Each step resonated with the collective heartbeat of triumph, acceptance, and the beginning of a new chapter for Lexi Heroux.

The grandeur of the premiere extended beyond the red carpet, transcending into the opulent theater where "Champion" would make its debut. The anticipation hung thick in the air as Lexi, accompanied by her castmates, ascended the stage adorned with gold accents and draped curtains.

A spotlight illuminated the ensemble cast, each member radiating Hollywood glamour. Lexi stood center stage, dressed in an elegant black and gold gown that shimmered under the theater lights. The air hummed with expectation as the cast faced the crowd, the embodiment of a cinematic moment about to unfold.

After the initial opening statements from her cast were made, it was soon Alexandra's turn.

With a microphone in hand, Lexi began, her voice resonating through the theater. "Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, and the incredible F1 family that has embraced me with open arms, thank you for joining us tonight. 'Champion' has been a labor of love, a journey that mirrors the twists and turns of life itself."

She glanced at her fellow actors, a friendship forged through the collaborative process of bringing this story to life. "I stand here not only as an actress but as someone who has found solace and purpose in the world of Formula 1. This film is a testament to the unyielding spirit of those who pursue their dreams, face adversity, and emerge victorious. If you would have told me two years ago, when I accepted this role, that I'd be stood here today, Red Bull's newest driver...I'd have fainted."

The audience responded with applause, acknowledging the shared sentiment. Lexi continued, "To my incredible cast and crew, thank you for bringing this vision to life. To the fans who have supported me through every lap, I owe you more than words can express. And to Charles, my unwavering anchor, thank you for being my co-pilot in this incredible journey."

As the applause echoed, Lexi took a breath, her gaze sweeping the theater. "I hope 'Champion' resonates with you as much as it does with us. It's a story of triumph, of embracing change, and of finding a family in the unlikeliest of places. Enjoy the ride."

With those words, Lexi and her castmates exited the stage, leaving the audience with heightened anticipation. The lights dimmed, the room fell into a hushed silence, and the opening credits of "Champion" unfolded on the screen.

As the opening scenes flickered on the screen, Lexi felt a surge of emotion, her past and present interwoven in the frames. The narrative unfolded, capturing her evolution from Hollywood stardom to the racing circuits of Formula 1. The transition, once an uncertain leap, now felt like a meticulously crafted tapestry, each thread meticulously woven into a seamless narrative.

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