03 - Seraph

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You have been sitting in your living room for the past three hours simply brainstorming what else to do with your Septima. You had nothing else to do right about now and did not feel like going out. You thought of potentially contacting Desna, but she was busy. Gunvolt was out doing something else right now as well. So you were looking up ways to recreate fire and light with Psychokinesis. But nothing was clicking with your brain.

You looked up the process of Psychokinesis and how in some fictional stories it would branch off into different forms of Psychokinesis. But these were fiction and you were in a world of reality where complications existed. Right now you are dealing with one of the most annoying complications. Tapping your fingers for a moment you simply decided to sit back and relax.

Your Thoughts: Well, that was a dud, maybe I should try looking at a candle and see if I can absorb or manipulate it. I did try to stare into a light bulb and almost went blind like an idiot.

You were planning on getting to your feet when your phone suddenly rang. Sending it towards you with a simple flick of your wrist. Not even looking at the caller, you immediately answered the phone and said hello Xiao Wu. You let out a chuckle hearing Xiao Wu speak about you reading his mind through the phone. But simply asked about what was going on. It was then that Xiao Wu explained the situation to you.

Xiao Wu: An ominous ship is looming above the city and it seems to be going out of control. It's wobbling here and there like no tomorrow. I have already sent Gunvolt to infiltrate the place, but I need you to head there now.

Y/N: Roger dodger, I'll be there faster than a barefoot jackrabbit on a hot greasy griddle in the middle of the August with a–

Xiao Wu: Okay, that's good, just get over there.

Xiao Wu hung up leaving you on the other end, a bit annoyed that you could not finish your little speech. You sighed and was just about to head off when your phone rang once more. Checking it, you saw it was Nori to your shock. You immediately answered by listening to what she wanted to tell you. The moment she started speaking your eyes widened and a shiver of fear ran down your body. The entire room trembled from the force you were emitting and anything made of glass was beginning to break.

By the time Nori finished speaking you were out the door and shooting off into the sky. Not caring if anyone saw you blast off into the sky. Emotions rushing through your very being. Fear, anger, joy, and a slight case of rage from what you had heard. The people on the Seraph were going to pay as the Illuminare was coming for them. No one would be safe from him.

~ Seraph ~

Within the confines of the Seraph, many of the agents among the flying ship were dealing with an unwelcome guest who made their way into the Seraph. Guns and other weapons were being aimed at the individual. But as they fired on the individual, none of their weapons made contact with him. As if the bullets went right through them. Confusing the agents who were wondering as to what the heck just happened.

???: What you just witnessed was my Prevasion, comes quite helpful against you guys.

Suddenly blue sparks surged around the area before evolving into electricity which zapped the living crud out of the agents. Standing within the lights of the blue electricity was none other than the Azure Striker himself. Gunvolt stood there with Joule appearing next to him. Floating around in the form of Lumen having taken her place as the Muse. Gunvolt and Joule looked down at the agents for a moment before heading off.

Dashing through the confines of the Seraph in the hopes of finding a way to stop it. Dealing with any agents that got in their way. Gunvolt would electrocute just about any individuals that were stupid enough to charge him. Even the mechs were proven to be impervious against him.

Gunvolt Story Two - The Azure Striker and the IlluminareWhere stories live. Discover now