01 - Intro

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S/C - Skin Color
E/C - Eye Color
H/C - Hair Color
H/L - Hair Length
F/C - Favorite Color
S/F/C - Second Favorite Color
F/F - Favorite Food
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The world appeared to be in an awkward moment for the time being as the events of the past paved the way for the future for everyone around the world. Everyone knows about the difficult position Sumeragi is in now. They had lost their leader and were on the brink of disbanding due to infighting between the remaining high members of the group. Each tried to determine that they were the right person to lead Sumeragi in the right direction. But alas, nothing was working and all they could do was blame the ones responsible for putting them in this position. The Azure Striker and the Eternal Squall. The only thing they were wondering now about them was where were they now.

~ Monday ~
~ Morning ~

The ringing of the alarm clock on your table burst through your bedroom, you groaned hearing this not wanting to get up from your soft bed. But alas, you knew it was time to wake up. Slamming your hand on the button get up into a sitting position while running a hand through your (H/C) hair shaping it into something else. Finally, move out of your bed and toward your bathroom to get your morning routine started. Washing up, and brushing your teeth, before leaving out of the bathroom to get some breakfast started. A simple thing of eggs, bacon, and a glass of your favorite brand of orange juice.

As you finally finished up your breakfast you got dressed and decided to head off to visit Gunvolt and the others for a bit. Having nothing else to do you have a feeling the Azure Thunderclap was doing nothing right about now either. Sure, they found new work but right now things have been quiet lately. Shrugging you opened the door of your little house and ventured off to visit Gunvolt and the others. As you were walking through your phone began to ring, someone wanted to FaceTime you, and seeing who it was brought a smile to your face.

???: Good morning (Y/N), I was expecting you to be up at this hour.

Y/N: Yeah, I got nothing else to do right now so I'm going to see Gunvolt for right now, so how's everything going with you, Elise?

Even after leaving with her mother you and Elise would always stay in touch with one another, talking and discussing what was going on now in life

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Even after leaving with her mother you and Elise would always stay in touch with one another, talking and discussing what was going on now in life. Elise was going to be a private school and appeared to be enjoying her life. She found a good balance between studying, and gaming, and discovered she was pretty adept at dancing. Something which did not surprise you remembering her Adept Form was pretty interesting when it came to dancing. But she was glad to see that she was doing good.

Y/N: So what have you been up to lately?

Elise: Besides getting my assignments done on time, I've also been having to deal with Dance Classes. I never knew dancing would be so much harder than fighting myself. But what about you guys?

Gunvolt Story Two - The Azure Striker and the IlluminareWhere stories live. Discover now