part one

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GUYS I AM REREADING ARC OF A SCYTHE!!! Ok so like last time I read it was in 6th grade, (I probably shouldn't have cuz it's kinda like...sorta bad for an innocent sixth grader) but like this series has THE BIGGEST LORE DROPS. So like the first time I read it was Scythe, Thunderhead, Toll, this one specific fanfic and then Gleanings. Ok so like that fanfic is literally the only good one, AND ITS CANON! Like they took something mentioned in the book, and turned it into a story. Bc these two characters are having a secret relationship for ten years so like they have to die seven deaths and then stay apart for 70 years. Like you gotta read the book to understand and I don't wanna give spoilers. And its like so nostalgic and like it feels like I'm in sixth grade again, writing bad fanfics, drawing fan art, and living without a care what people say. OH MY GOSH THE FANFICS OF OCTONAUTS. GUYS I KEEP ON COMING BACK TO IT. AHHFRN. In my head the octonauts are human. I have a drawing that I haven't worked on in a while but like I'll try to work on it and they you will see how I see them. But like I feel like Inkling decided to take teens from 13-17, Peso being the youngest and Barnacles being the oldest. And like imagine octonauts but like a teen show. So like they still study the ocean and all, but like have romance, drama, ect. And like I imagine that when they start living and training together on land to build that bond, Dashi is like "So your idea is to make 8 teens live together with raging hormones," And Kwazii is like "yeah eventually we are all gonna f#ck one another either way." (Sexually and as in fights) and Barnacles is like "LANGUAGE!" And like I think the fandom can all agree that Dashi+Shellington go together, except that small part that ship Barnacles and Dashi.
Here is my ships
Tweak+Kwazii (Like those couples that bicker all the time yet love eachother)
Tweak +Barnacles for a bit but like it didn't work out
Inkling + Min bc they are like close to the same age MIN IS OLDER THAN BARNACLES
Also like Peso ain't interested rn, Barnacles like tried many times, but like dating never worked out
But yeah that's basically it also if you read Arc of a Scythe PLEASE TALK TO MEEE bc I don't know anyone who has read it and I want to chat bout it

my thoughts at 11pmWhere stories live. Discover now