Chapter 2: One-Eyed Rayla

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Rayla Looked Around For The Sourcerer With An Eyepatch Over Her Right Eye

She Sees The Sourcerer In The Darkness And She Draws Her SwordsRayla: "What Did You Do To Callum?!"Sourcerer: "I've Cursed Him My Dear"Rayla: "Why?!"Sourcerer: "I Never Liked Callum He Was Annoying"Rayla: "You Monster!"Sourcerer: "My Dear Rayla

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She Sees The Sourcerer In The Darkness And She Draws Her Swords
Rayla: "What Did You Do To Callum?!"
Sourcerer: "I've Cursed Him My Dear"
Rayla: "Why?!"
Sourcerer: "I Never Liked Callum He Was Annoying"
Rayla: "You Monster!"
Sourcerer: "My Dear Rayla...You Don't Get It"
Rayla: "Get What?!"
Sourcerer: "The Elves And The Humans Despise Each Other"
Rayla: "You May Be Right About That But No One Hurts My Boyfriend!"
Sourcerer Laughs Manically
Rayla: "What's So Funny?!"
Sourcerer: "Rayla...I'm An Evil Sourcerer Cursing People Is What I Do"
Rayla: "I Will Get Revenge On You For What You Did To My Callum!"
The Sourcerer And Rayla Battle Until The Sourcerer Casts A Sleeping Spell On Her She Falls Fast Asleep She Wakes Up In The Middle Of Nowhere And In The Rain Rayla Sees Callum's Cave In The Distance And She Approaches
Rayla: "Hey Callum...Are You There?"
Callum Peaks His Head Of The Darkness
Rayla: "I'm Sorry Callum He Used A Sleeping Spell On Me"
Callum Kisses Rayla And She Kisses Back
Rayla: "Thanks Callum"
Callum Smiles Faintly And Hugs Her Crying
Rayla: "Don't Worry Callum I Promise I'll Get Revenge Somehow"
Rayla Went To Go Find The Sourcerer She Put Her Hood Up And Callum Waited For Her As Rayla Ran Off Into The Rain The Sourcerer Was In Hiding He Hid From Rayla Successfully As She Ran By
Sourcerer: "Foolish Girl Your Beloved Callum Is Already Cursed I Shall Curse You Too And If You Continue Your Search For Me I Will Curse You Rayla I Promise You You And Callum Will Be Cursed Forever And After That I Shall Curse Both Katolis And Xadia And I Seth The Sorcerer Will Be Victorious!"

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⏰ Última atualização: Nov 28, 2023 ⏰

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