Aiding the Akagi-Class

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Emperor looks on as two carriers move through the water, planes ready. He looks at their symbols, seeing a Sakura blossom. He smiles, preparing his thrusters.

Emperor: "Time to aid the Akagi-Class!"

Akagi and Kaga stand on Akagi's ship, looking out at the ocean, preparing themselves for what is to come.

Kaga: "Sister, why are we here? We have no reason to."

Akagi: "The Azur Lane attacked the Iron Blood, and they have asked us to retaliate. Also, I had a vision of something."

Kaga: "What was it?"

Akagi: "I saw us destroying the base, leaving ships destroyed and the area surrounding unfit for use."

Kaga: "Maybe it is the will of the Heavens?"

Akagi: "Perhaps. But for now, brace yourself, sister. I can sense a siren presence."

Kaga flexes her ears and hears it as well, looking around. They hear a metallic thud on a comms tower and look up, seeing Emperor on the tower, metallic tentacles gripping it. His arms behind him and his closed eyes cause the sisters to shudder, before they summon their riggings.

Kaga: "Siren, what business do you have here?"

Akagi: "A more important question, sister, is why this siren is male? No siren or Kansen has ever been male. The cubes have never adjusted to the form of a man."

Emperor: "An exceptionally fine question, Akagi of the Sakura Empire. I am Emperor, the first Male Arbiter of the Siren Force. I have come to aid in your battle and mission!"

Emperor jumps down in front of the sisters, causing them to flinch back. Kaga raises her rigging towards Emperor but is pushed down by Akagi.

Kaga: "Sister!?"

Akagi: "Let's hear the siren out.

Emperor: "Smart choice! Now, I have come to aid you with your project."

Akagi: "How would you do that?"

Emperor reaches into his trench coat pocket and pulls out a black mental cube. Akagi and Kaga approach, looking at it.

Kaga: "What is that?"

Emperor: "This is the black mental cube, what us sirens run on. With this, we run faster, hit harder, and comprehend information faster."

Akagi: "What could this do for us? We are not just going to implement this into everyone."

Emperor throws the cube at Akagi, quickly grabbing it. Emperor walks up to her and taps the top, clearing the fog inside it slightly, showing the Orochi at fruition.

Emperor: "This cube is what the Orochi runs off, your secret weapon. Without this, it will never activate."

Akagi quickly backs off and Kaga points her rigging at Emperor.

Kaga: "How do you know about the Orochi, siren!?"

Emperor smiles, before sitting down on his tentacles.

Emperor: "Where do you think Shinano got her ideas from? Her dreams? No. I gave her those ideas, to help create the ultimate weapon!"

Akagi: "Wait, the ultimate weapon? Why would you do that?"

Emperor sighs before standing up, moving to the edge of the ship.

Emperor: "To be honest, I think it would be fun!"

Emperor swings out his arms, beckoning at the two fox Kansen.

Emperor: "The Sakura Empire is the most fit to lead the new world after we leave. So, I shall help you to achieve that, and you will be labeled heroes!"

The Emperor of the Siren ForceOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant