???: "Marvelously done. You sure you aren't a submarine?"

Strength, Hermit, and Love watch him, grinning at him. He walks up to them, putting his hands behind his back, intertwined.

Emperor: "No, there is no Siren Submarine, besides maybe Compiler."

Hermit: "You've certainly improved since the last time you had to contain Strength."

Emperor: "I remember that. Strength almost destroyed the entire building."

The Arbiters all laugh. Well, all except Strength.

Strength: "Hey! If you are so confident, let's spar again!"

Emperor smirks, looking back at Strength. Hermit and Love look on, feeling tension grow between the two.

Emperor: "You sure you want to go Strength? I have been preparing for a battle, and it will not be easy!"

Strength: "I'm sure I can beat you!"

Emperor laughs and walks to the door, opening it. He looks back and beckons for them to follow.

Emperor: "Cmon Strength, you scared?"

Strength grunts, running to Emperor. Hermit and Love look at each other, groaning.

Hermit: "Get Compiler ready. Have her prepare an Arbiter repair tube. And have the Tester drones ready for repair duty, we will need base repairs."

Love nods and leaves, Hermit following the two.

Emperor and Strength stand opposite each other, on a circular platform above a pool of water. Emperor stands, hands intertwined behind himself, and Strength crouches, hands changed to claws.

Strength: "Don't worry. I'll have someone else take over your spot for the mission, so we won't fail."

Emperor: "I think not."

Emperor's eyes grow brightly blue, and his rigging grows brighter, practically oozing with energy. Strength shakes in fear, before smacking herself and readying herself.

Hermit floats up, off the platform, pointing one of her riggings cannons upwards.

Hermit: "Anything goes. First to make their enemy surrender or forfeit due to damage wins. Are you ready?"

The combatants nod, and Hermit grins.

Hermit: "Ready... GO!"

Hermit fires her rigging into the air, signaling the start, and Strength approaches Emperor. He has his eyes closed, and Strength grins, thinking she has an easy victory. She swipes at him, but he dodges out of the way. Strength runs off, almost falling off. She looks back and growls.

Strength: "Coward! Face me!"

Strength rushes towards him and rapidly swipes at him, doing nothing but swiping air, Emperor dodging every blow. Emperor begins to block with one hand as she speeds up, yawning at the battle. This annoys Strength, and she spins, hitting Emperor with her tail, throwing himself close to the edge of the circle.

Strength: "So, what'll you do now!?"

Emperor breathes heavily before his eyes open, full of excitement. He prepares his rigging and fires a barrage of lasers at Strength, two hitting her chest. She quickly blocks the rest with her claws, slowly approaching Emperor.

Hermit: "What is Emperor doing? He's not really fighting back; he is just delaying her."

Love: "He must have a plan. He does have incredible combat and skills under pressure."

The two nod and continue watching the fight, interested in what Emperor will do.

Strength approaches and slices down powerfully, knocking away Emperor's guard. She then does a tail whip, but it is stopped. She opens her eyes to see Eight metallic tentacles withdrawing from Emperor's back, four grabbing her tail. Emperor grins at her, relishing in her shock.

Emperor: "What's wrong? Something got your tongue? I thought I only have your tail."

Strength tries to shake off Emperor but fails. Emperor begins to spin the tail around, moving Strength around. Strength begins to pick up speed and lift, Emperor rising. He lets go, throwing her into the platform, destroying it and dropping her into the pool. The platform pieces fall around her, and she begins to drift to the surface on her back.

Strength: "What happened?"

Strength looks up in terror, seeing a terrible sight. Emperor has combined four tentacles, combining them into a massive laser. The other four idle by his chest, aimed toward the Arbiter. He grins, before shouting.

Emperor: "See you at the end of this war Strength!"

Emperor fires the laser and begins firing barrages of lasers towards Strength, decimating the water around Strength. The laser burns around Strength, burning away the synthetic flesh created by the Magister.

When the smoke clears, a cube lies at the bottom of the tube, the water having evaporated from the heat of the lasers. He floats down and grabs it, blowing it a kiss.

Emperor: "See you later."

Emperor floats up, throwing the cube at Love, her grabbing it easily. He lands close to the two Arbiters and returns to his original state, eyes ordinary blue, tentacles returned, and arms intertwined behind him.

Emperor: "Love, please have Compiler repair Strength, she is a useful combatant, and we will need her."

Love nods and runs off. Emperor faces Hermit and points at the pool.

Emperor: "Hermit, have the drones refill that pool by the time I return. If not, you might have to do the same thing as Strength."

Hermit gulped and nodded. Emperor, satisfied, heading out of the room, towards his.

Emperor enters his room, heading towards a desk. He opens a drawer and pulls out a watch, glass broken into multiple pieces. He puts it on, and checks the time.

Emperor: "Off, as per usual."

Emperor says as he grins. Emperor summons a portal and flies through it, leaving the siren base and closing it behind him.

Emperor lands on the peak of an island, looking out upon an ocean. He stands, surveying the area.

Emperor: "The Sakura Empire fleet is supposed to arrive in approximately 3 hours. That's enough time rest for a while."

Emperor backs off and sets up camp, resting up before the drawn-out battle.

And that's it.

May the Azur Lanes grace you.

The Emperor of the Siren ForceWhere stories live. Discover now