Chapter 1: Say yes to everthing: What really shoud happen

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Another beautiful day at pootatuck middle school and today is the day me and my friends are going to do another thing from my list.As I walked into the school I saw scoot dressed up as the school mascot bear and I waved at him and he waved back and he hit the wall has I walked past him and went to my locker.Me and my bestie were ready to push the boundaries of 7th grade.End of POV

Fenwick: "Bring on the list."

Cj: "OK uh things to do before high school including ummm create out own signature strud."

Fenwick: "No."

Cj:" Ummm stop talking and sing for entire day."

Fenwick: (Sing voice)"Noooo!!!!"(high pitch voice)

Cj: "Master the arts of sock puppets."

Crispo: (Has a sock puppets on his hands) "Hey."

Fenwick: "No."

Crispo: "Oh man."

Cj POV: Are you sensing a pattern here. End of POV

Cj: "We are getting rid of the no and yes to everything for entire school day."

Fenwick: "Noooooooo!!!!!*

Your right I should stop this

Cj: "OK I get it."

Fenwick: (Stops and looks at cj)

Cj: "Think of the past no is keep on stopping you for having fun."

~Fenwick flash back~

Cj: "You should've said yes to the great cheese capade."

Crispo: "It was free cheese."


Cj:" You should've said yes to the cat rescuers."

Crispo: "They Gave us the key to the city."


Cj: "You should've said yes to the LLama Club."

Crispo: (Looks at the LLama)

End of flash back

Fenwick: "OK maybe your right but no is good. No is good because it save from bad hair cuts, bear attack."

Bear: (Hits the locker) "I can't see anything from this costume."

Cj and Crispo help Scoot up

Bear: "Thanks Cj."

Fenwick: "So I am sticking to no."

Cj: "You can't we have to say yes."Two to one vote are you in Crispo."

Crispo: (Looks at cj then Fenwick) "Yes."

Fenwick: "Fine I well say yes."Know can you carry my history books."

Crispo: "Ohhh history." (Almost going to eat the book)

Cj: "Don't eat this,"And fine but we have some rules."

Fenwick: "But what happens if someone ask me to jump of a roof ."

Cj: "People can't do that Fenwick and you must follow the ABC rule."
"So we well be not be jumping of the roof."

Fenwick: "OK or run naked though the halls or."

Crispo: "Or fight robots."

Cj: "That can't happen because the Lmnop rule you can't say no to".L=Lawless M=mean N=Naked o= Or p= Possibly-Breaking-Every-Bone-in-Your-body-from-jumping-off-the-roof.

*Bell rings*

Cj and Fenwick and Crispo walking out of the class room

Cj: "Before school over you are going to love the power of yes."

Fenwick: "This is going to be scary."

Mindy: "Hey Crispo,"you two anyways know you have list but anyways we made our own."

Cj: "Oh OK what is it."

Mindy: "I don't need to hear it from you I need Crispo to hear it."

Mindy: "The list of guilty in a perfect boyfriend 1. Blond hair 2.he must date me for a loooong time."

Crispo: (Looks at CJ and Fenwick)

Mindy: "And 3. He must be name Crispo."

Crispo: "I.I.I.Need to go to my locker." (He then ran away)

Mindy: "He just shy."(Looks behind group) "He just shy!!!!! This is so not over."

Then Mindy left

Cj: "Let's see about that."(Looks at Fenwick) "What."

Fenwick: "Ummm nothing well I better go bye."

Cj: "Wait not so fast."

Fenwick: "What now."

Cj: "What wrong with Crispo."

Fenwick: "Nothing now I have to go."

Cj: "Stop it right there tell me you promise to say yes to everything."

Fenwick: "Well not this its a secert now bye."

Cj: "Fenwick!!!!"

Bell rings

Cj: "This isn't over."

Cj then went to here second class

~Later that day~

Crispo: (Walking around the hall ways)

Cj: (Walking around the hall ways too and see Crispo)

Cj: "Crispo!!!" (Runs up to him and bump into him)

Crispo: "What,"oh ho Cj."

Cj: "Oh hi."

Crispo: "Ummm hi."

Awkward silence

Cj: "Well I am going to go now see u later."

Cj POV: I don't know what just happen but when ever I am around Crispo I have this feeling like butterflies in my stomach that I can't control when I look at his brown eyes and oh no I might like Crispo wait what am I saying I can't like Crispo and anyways I can't date him when Mindy is all up on him and Mindy probably going to ask out Crispo because of the power of yes... End of POV


Hey guys I hope you love it and I well update soon and if you like it please vote and comment for an update and remember I haven't gave them a ship name for them so you guys have to comment a ship name for them because I don't know any yet and I might give a shout out if you guys come up with a great ship name in next chapter.


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