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Hi, did ya miss me? Yes I know I've been gone since march probably since I can't remember exactly when I stopped. A lot of stuff made me decide to stop rather then forcing myself to continuing to keep going. At this point writing feels like more of a chore I need to get done before doing things I actually want to do rather then having it be something I look forward to at the end of the day.

While yes I am happy that people are reading my stories and I hate to stop, I would rather not push myself and proceed to get more burnt out then to write half ass barely even grammatical correct stories.

I do think writing fanfics was just a phase or rather a hobby I picked up during quarantine to make me less bored. Now that we are out of covid and having to continue with life, I have absolutely no time for writing.

I know some of you, or all of you, are wondering what and where was this fanfic going to? Like what was the plot and who did what?

I'll answer that with common questions I have found that people have asked.

1-Who killed Akashi?
Originally I was going to have Teru kill Akashi but didn't exactly know for what reason. Later on in writing I had decided that a rash killing due to excessive jealousy would be the best option for him. Since in the fanfic he hasn't experienced the feelings he felt whenever he was with M/n and kinda latched onto the feeling.

2-Then who killed Anya?
Two people, Aoi and Kou. It was more of one person planning and the other doing the actual dirty work. Aoi planned the whole poison cake thing and provided Kou with the arsenic and cyanide. Kou make the cake as seen in the error chapter, he was a bit upset with Aoi because she was making him do the dirty work and making him risk being caught and blamed.

3-What's actually happening behind the scenes?
I was gonna plan to make Aoi some kind of master mind of sorts. Since she was the first person to talk with M/n and first person to have a crush that turned into obsession. She fed fake lies to Teru that went along the lines of 'M/n probably doesn't even like you! Have you seen everyone else? They are so much better than you.' Which yes is mean but it's yandere for a reason.

The conversation with M/n, Anya and Akashi kinda was the last straw for Teru. He lashed out at Akashi as he saw the way he was gonna confess and killed him in pure jealousy. When Aoi heard that Akashi died, she was happy but really couldn't care less. She knew teru would be tipped over the edge someday.

Aoi was upset after she found out that Anya and M/n were hanging out because in her mind she thought that Anya would off herself because of grief and it would be 2 birds 1 stone kinda deal but she was wrong. So because she'd rather not do the dirty work herself she asked Kou to bake her a cake with specific ingredients with the promise of M/n's attention. Which in hindsight was a complete lie as I had planned on her telling the police and acting as if she had no idea. She even had Kou send the cake.

Basically everything that happened was in some way or another because of her.

4-Who was supposed to die next?
Originally I planned to have Sakura or Saku Die at the hands of Akane. It was supposed to be like a hanging one's self kinda deal and make it look like a self inflicted death. But it of course wasn't and Akane did it because of Aoi like I stated before she is the mastermind of sorts.

Basically when she had asked is Saku liked M/n at the vending machine she would tell Akane, no matter if Saku said yes or no, that Saku was in love with M/n and 'trying to take him away'. Which made Akane anxious and more clingy towards M/n.

The thing that kinda tipped him over the edge was when Aoi told him that she saw Saku and Amare alone in the broadcasting room. Which was true but was not the same reason as Aoi was making it seem like. That's why I asked if rope or wire was stronger because I myself was confused on what I was gonna do.

5-What where the question of chapter 12.5 about?
Questions I actually didn't know what to choose, silly I know. The questions like your greatest fear was gonna be like a way for me to figure out a different path of murder. Like some people said the dark I would've done something like being buried alive for example. I also wanted to see if I was doing a good job at writing the plot and having small details by asking who you think killed who. My plan was to make the readers less confident and having to second guess everything by asking if they were sure right after.

The other questions like how you were feeling was more so a check in to see how you were doing in general. I tried to make it seem spooky or unsettling rather than plain out asking.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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