His Soulmates, Suguru Geto and Satoru Gojo

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It took ten minutes to reach the place that (Y/n) was talking about since the trio had to walk through the crowd without losing anyone.

The place that (Y/n) had decided to take the three of them was up on top of a giant hill that was near the festival, but it was the best spot to watch fireworks without anyone around you.

The first person to sit down was (Y/n) with Geto and Gojo following not long after, sitting on both sides of the (H/c)-haired male.

There were five minutes left until the fireworks would be released and light up the night sky with many different colors that would be pleasing to the eye.

"You're right, this is a nice place to watch fireworks from," Gojo says as he eyes the (H/c)-haired male.

Geto nodded his head in agreement. "It's pretty up here too. Makes the people down below look kinda like ants," he agreed.

(Y/n) hummed lightly. "Not a lot of people know about this spot so there's usually nobody up here," he explained.

A set of (E/c) hues watched as the clock on the phone appeared for a few seconds popped up and showed the time.

Four minutes left.

"What should we do for the next four minutes?" (Y/n) asked, raising an eyebrow as he thought of an idea.

"We could talk? Talk about how our days have been," Geto suggests.

A hum left (Y/n)'s lips as he made a sound of agreement.

"That works," he answered.

It didn't take long for Geto and Gojo to start a conversation with (Y/n) joining in whenever he had some sort of input he wanted to add.

'Damn it, Mom. You were right... I did end up falling for both of them at the festival even though I told myself I wouldn't.' (Y/n) thought, not knowing if he should feel disappointed in himself or not.

For some reason, thinking about feeling disappointed made him feel unsure of himself. As if he wasn't supposed to be feeling that sort of emotion in the first place.

Geto and Gojo's conversation sounded distant even though (Y/n) was sitting in the middle between the two.

His heart was speeding up and hammering against his chest as he slowly started to realize that he had gotten used to being around his soulmates whom he had promised not to fall for in the very beginning despite telling the two to have him fall for them.

And by the looks of it...

They won the challenge in the end.

They won the challenge of winning his heart.

(Y/n) didn't even notice how his phone woke up for a few seconds just to show there were two minutes left until the fireworks were released.

Not even the brush of cold wind going by had snapped him out on what was happening.

The feeling of falling in love had scared him to the point he didn't even want to have a soulmate.

The reason?

He was given a second chance to get another one not long after losing his first soulmate in a car crash that was caused by the other driver's drunk driving one night.

He didn't want to go through the same pain again, but here he was...

Falling in love with the two soulmates he was given in the very end.

And to be honest, he felt glad.

Happy he was given a second chance to fall in love.

Slowly, the real world started to return to (Y/n) as he blinked.

The second that the fireworks went off...

Just moments apart, he had pressed his lips against both Gojo and Geto's lips for a few moments each before pulling away.

The named duo stared at their (H/c)-haired male in shock when they realized what had happened.

Instead of saying anything, Geto and Gojo returned the kisses given to them by taking turns.

The fireworks illuminated all three of them sharing a short, but sweet intimate moment.

With the night ending with a bang, Geto and Gojo leaned their heads on (Y/n)'s shoulders, cuddling up against the named male's sides.

And (Y/n)?

He had his arms wrapped around his soulmates...

Their names?

Suguru Geto and Satoru Gojo.

Soulmates | S. Geto + S. Gojo |Where stories live. Discover now