Big Brother's Soulmates?

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"They're so pretty!!" (B/n) and (S/n) exclaimed in awe while looking at the two males with wide, sparkling eyes.

This seemed to boost up Gojo's ego which he seemed to have while Geto gave a warm smile at the compliment.

"Thanks, you two," Geto says kindly.

(Y/n) had a hand covering his face as he felt the embarrassment he was currently feeling.

"I'm (S/n) (L/n), and this here is (B/n). We're big brother (Y/n)'s younger siblings!" (S/n) beamed, thrusting a hand into the air as if she had just asked a question.

"I'm Suguru Geto and this is Satoru Gojo," Geto replied.

Gojo smirked as he waved at the two children.

Geto then chuckled lightly as he eyed the embarrassed (H/c)-haired male. "He must be a great big brother then," he states.

"Mhm!" (B/n) immediately agreed.

"Geh," (Y/n) just turned his head away, not wanting to be swayed by Geto's words.

But he could feel his stomach flutter with butterflies when he realized that Geto was looking at him.

'No. Stop it. I can't fall in love.' (Y/n) thought as he mentally frowned at the fact he might be falling for Geto and Gojo just like his mother said.

"Are you two free right now?" (S/n) asked, tilting her head off to the side as she looked up at Gojo's tall figure.

Gojo brought a hand up to his chin and thought for a few moments.

"We are," he finally answered.

(S/n) and (B/n) turned toward each other, and (Y/n) could see sparkles surrounding the both of them as if they had just gotten this wonderful idea.

Scheming smiles appeared on their lips as they looked back up at the trio in front of them.

"Then... Can you please come with us to the park?" (B/n) asked.

"Please? We won't bother you three!" (S/n) pleaded.

Geto and Gojo shared a look before the named raven-haired male chuckled lightly.

"Yeah, we can come with you guys," Geto agreed.

(Y/n) paled a bit when he realized that he had no say in this. He knew that his gremlins of younger siblings could be quite...persuasive, but he didn't know they would use that trait against his 'soulmates'!

A quiet groan of defeat left his lips as he crossed his arms over his chest. "I...guess we could head over to the park for about an hour," (Y/n) agreed.

"Yay!" (S/n) and (B/n) cheered happily in sync as they jumped in the air with excitement.

"Are they always like this?" Gojo whispered.

"Scheming, persuasive brats who are gremlins? Yes, yes they are," (Y/n) whispered back.

Geto and Gojo chuckled lightly when they heard what (Y/n) called his younger siblings.

"Come on, you two. Let's go," (Y/n) finally ordered causing the younger kids to calm down a bit.

(S/n) and (B/n) immediately started to walk in the direction of the park, making sure that the trio had the time to talk with one another despite the three having the chance to easily catch up to them.

(Y/n) sighed heavily, but kept an eye on the two children who did their best to stay in front.

"Are you free tomorrow?" Gojo suddenly asked, causing (Y/n) to side-eye him for a few moments.

"I am. Why?" (Y/n) questioned as he looked forward once more, but gave the duo half of his attention see he needed to keep an eye on the two kids who were currently acting like that he, Geto, and Gojo didn't exist.

Geto decided to answer this time. "We wanted to take you on a date," he explained.

(Y/n) blinked, and was about to deny before (S/n) and (B/n) decided to cut in.

"He'll come!" The two kids said in sync, sending a smug smile in their older brother's direction.

(Y/n) sent his younger siblings the stink eye but nodded.

"Yeah... I'll come," he agreed.

Gojo grinned, sending a thankful wink in (S/n) and (B/n)'s direction, who responded with a wink of their own.

Geto warmly smiled once more. "Wonderful," he says, relieved.

(S/n) and (B/n) quietly whispered to each other, eyeing the three males behind them before making a mutual agreement.

They were going to make it a day where the date lasted for two days straight without the three noticing.

Today was going to be a park date.

And tomorrow?

A date to wherever the soulmates were going.

They just had to make sure that nothing went wrong.

To be honest, (S/n) and (B/n) just wanted their older brother to live a wonderful and loving life with his soulmates.

And they were going to make sure it'll happen, too.

Soulmates | S. Geto + S. Gojo |Where stories live. Discover now