Chapter 8

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GEMINI quickly loosened himself from Fourth while blushing so bad. His face reddened and hot after he realized that he cried and sobbed like a child on Fourth's arms. Although he admitted how warm Fourth's embrace was... His sadness was reduced by 50 percent. 

Fourth turned himself to the opposite direction. Looking flustered... 

He can't believed that he said that and pulled Gemini into his arms...

"Th-thank" Gemini slowly said. 

Fourth nodded once, "uhm..."

The both of them were shy and blushing. Avoided the eye contact until Satang was back home with food. They sat on the floor while enjoying their meals. 

"Let's go to the police station after we're done eating." Said Satang. Fourth nodded but not Gemini.

"Gem, you have to report this to the police na. He could hurt you again in the future." Satang was strict with his words. Joss was a jerk and he needs a punishment so he could learn his lesson. 

Gemini sighed.

"Don't worry, you have us." Fourth said. He was staring at Gemini with his cute sparkling eyes.

Gemini nodded after a few seconds. He was quite unsure before but after he looked at Fourth, the confidence suddenly filled him up. He became brave as long as he got Fourth and Satang with him. 

"Did he always do this?" Satang asked when they almost done eating.


Fourth panicked when Satang said that. He was scared to death if Gemini will be sad. He knew how traumatic it was for Gemini for being har4ssed like that by his own boyfriend. He stared at Gemini and saw the tears started to forms in his beautiful melancholic eyes. 

"You don't have to answer his question...." Fourth said to soothe Gemini's feeling. But Gemini chose to tell the truth instead. It was for his own good because he needed someone to talk to.

"For this tragedy, it's the first time... But he have abandoned me for quite some time now." Said Gemini, crestfallen.

Satang and Fourth were staring at each other. Gemini looked so brokenhearted while he said that. He was trying his best to not shed tears in front of them. They don't deserve to see that. Plus, it was his personal matters with Joss...

"He's cheating behind your back isn't he?" 

Again, Fourth was shocked with Satang's question. His question always seems too provocative and sensitive. The heck!

Slowly, Gemini nodded to answer.

Fourth was uncomfortable and decided to changed the topic for everyone's good especially Gemini.

"Can we go now? To the police station?"

Satang and Gemini nodded at once. They left the condo and were back after an hour later. Satang suggested that Fourth bring Gemini to the hotel that was located pretty far from there for their safety. 

"Okay." Fourth understood and took Gemini to the hotel that was located about 45 minutes from there. Until everything is fine, they will stay there and he will send Gemini back to his condo after he is totally safe from Joss. 

He just can't let him out of his sight. He was worried sick about Gemini. Joss might hurt him again and it probably worse than before. 

Gemini slowly walked into the hotel while looking around. It was pretty wide and spacious. It got one king sized bed and he will share the bed with Fourth as long as they are there. He turned his face to Fourth that was busy putting their stuff on the floor. 

Fourth smiled, "Do you like this room?"

Gemini nodded, "I like it."



They moved their faces away at the same time. Gemini was blushing so hard and he didn't understand why. He was taken but being around Fourth was intense. His heart shakes in the strangest way. He slowly inhaled and exhaled his breathes.

Fourth was blushing too. Way more than Gemini. It was like a honeymoon vibe.... It was like they just got married.... Phew...

"I'm....." Gemini stuttered.

Fourth wiggled his eyebrows.

"...gotta take a shower." Gemini continued. 

"Uhm! Okay..." Fourth replied while awkwardly smiled. They still blushed and their cheeks were hot like hot potatoes.

Gemini rushed to the bathroom with pink-ish cheeks. He looked so cute! Urgh, Fourth was mesmerized. If he could bite that cute little mochi cheeks...

[ SLAP ]

Ouch! He groaned out of pain due to his self slapped. He tried to control himself because he will be alone with Gemini for days. He fell harder for him and he pray that he won't do anything inappropriate like a kiss or something.

You better behave, FOURTH.

Gemini was done with shower and got out of the bathroom to meet Fourth but was shocked to see two persons that were standing before his eyes. 

That persons...... Fourth and him....

What - the - hell was happening?

They were dressed in classical costumes. It was like in 1950s or something? They looked very closed, sensual and loving with each other. And there was something familiar with the costumes.......

Was that the marriage costumes!?

"Fourth?" Gemini spontaneously said.

He saw how Fourth was backhugging him while smiling wide and his face was filled with happiness. The one who looked like him was also smiling big. Gemini was scared... What was happening?

"Tee-rak, now we are married. I'm the happiest person in the world right now." Said Nattawat while tightening his arms around Norawit.

"Chan rak khun (I love you)." Norawit replied.

"Rak khun meng karn (Love you too)." Nattawat whispered and kissed his husband's cheek. 


Gemini crashed to the floor when the familiar voice pierced into his ears. It was Fourth's.

"There, did you see that!" Gemini pointed his finger to their front. The classical images were gone like it never there at the first place. 

Fourth was confused because nothing was in front of them. He tried to calm him down because Gemini was scared to death. Gemini was standing like a mannequin while staring at something invisible moments ago. He kept on calling Gemini to woke him up but failed until the fifth time. 

"I saw us!" Gemini said, shivered. 

Fourth's eyebrows puckered, "Us?"

Gemini quickly stand up and rushed to the balcony to check on something. Nothing. He rushed to the next spot which is the main door and checked on the hallway but there was nothing there too. 

He didn't see anyone who dressed like Nattawat and Norawit.

He must gone crazy!

"Gem, I think you need a rest na." Fourth gently held Gemini's arm. He was worried about him.

Gemini sighed. He must be hallucinated due to the stress he had. He turned to Fourth and apologized. The both of them got back into the hotel room hand in hand. 

Gemini got seated on the couch and tried to forget what he had gone through just now. He was so freaking tired but grateful that he had someone by his side. He stared at Fourth who was tidying the bed so he can sleep. 

What was the images he just saw?

Who are they?

Are they Fourth and him in their previous lives?

DESTINY [ FOURTH × GEMINI ]Where stories live. Discover now