Chapter 2

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THE late evening breeze slowly hit his cold cheeks. He was still standing in the balcony while watching the orange - red sky. Satang already left and he was alone again. 

He couldn't stopped thinking about his other half named G. Who is the person? 


Fourth wiped his itchy nose with his hand. The weather was getting colder outside. He quickly walked inside, got the balcony door shut and locked. He got ready to take a good shower because he was sweating like crazy when the mysterious shaman a.k.a fortune teller was calling out for him.

After a shower, he decided to wrote on his diary about the soon-to-be-his-boyfriend. 

... The fortune teller said that he is my previous husband ...

But Satang didn't trust the shaman. He said, scammers are everywhere and he needs to be extra careful. But.... The shaman haven't got any payment yet. He was about to pay when he realized that he wasn't there anymore.

Fourth stared at his diary with blank mind. He didn't know what to write next because he was too excited about G. He can't wait to see how he looks like, what is he studying.... Or he's already a salary man?

He smiled, started to wrote something again.

... My boyfriend, how's your day today? Tired? I'm Fourth Nattawat na... Hope to meet you soon ...


Ah~~~ My dear soulmate... I can't wait to see you with my own two eyes. I mean, a pair of eyes with spectacles. Well, my blurry vision can't stop me from looking at your cute face.

He was giggling like crazy, all by himself on a chair. If Satang was there, he will be looking at him with a gross face. He will be like 'WTF?'.

Fourth left the chair, slowly walked towards the mirror and stood in front of it. He touched his thick glasses and grinned. 

"No, I look too creepy." He shook his head. He pulled out his glasses and put it on top of his head.

"Hello, I'm Fourth..." Winked.

He shook his head again, "Now I look like a pervert."

Fourth was practicing his social ability so one day he could socialize with his future boyfriend a.k.a his past husband. He was pretty introvert but he is willing to change for the sake of him. 

Such a husband material, isn't he?

Fourth, you will the best boyfriend. Good job. Fourth kept complimenting himself and slapping his chest while being proud. After a while, he couldn't see clearly and had to wore his glasses again.


He wished he will meet the shaman in anytime soon. There was a lot of things he wanted to know. He can't just vanish like that. Then he walked to the bed and lied on it. He fell asleep after two minutes.

He was tired and sleepy.





Satang was laughing like crazy whenever he heard about the past husband of Fourth. He tried to convince Fourth that the shaman was a damn scammer. Fourth pulled a face because he was annoyed with Satang.

"He didn't even take a penny." Said Fourth.

"He might acting to gain your trust. Next time, he will suck you like a leech." Satang added. 

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