Chapter 4

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GEMINI was smiling but inside he was sad and broken. He always kept his smile for Fourth because Fourth didn't have to know what happened to him before that. It was his personal matter so he should keep it by himself. 

Fourth blushed. Gemini's smile was too adorable and he can't stop staring at him. 

"I think... I should go." Gemini said.

"But it's raining outside. You can stay here until the rain stops na." Fourth offered a shelter to Gemini. Gemini went awry. He didn't know if he should accept the offer or just go home.

"It's really okay. You can stay." Fourth added. He knew how Gemini was feeling at that moment and he didn't have any courage to ask Gemini about earlier. 

He wanted to know what was happening to Gemini that makes him cried in the rain. 

But it was too personal and he didn't want to cross the line because the two of them were only strangers who happened to study at the same university.

"Thank you for your help at campus..." Fourth said out of the sudden. Gemini wiggled his eyebrows.

"Thank you for what? I'm the one who should thank you." Gemini chuckled.

"Er, about... My books and spectacles were on the floor... And you helped me with that." Fourth elaborated. Gemini got the whole picture after the explanation. 

He smiled, "No problem."

Once again, Fourth blushed so bad. Gemini's smile was too beautiful. Urgh, he can't fall in love with someone else because he already has a soulmate. He needs to find him within four months.

He slapped his own cheeks for few times. 

"Why you're slapping your own face?" Gemini was surprised. 

Fourth gulped. He awkwardly smiled.

"Was it mosquito?" Gemini asked. He quickly stood up and started to search for the insect. He hates mosquito!

Fourth stunned when Gemini slapped the air. Pappp! Pappp!! 

"Errr...." Fourth was trying to say something but he almost got slap by Gemini.

"Ah, sorry! I'll kill the mosquito for you okay." Gemini unhooked his necklace and started to hit the air with it. 

Then, it quickly reminded him about something. YES! THE BRACELET!

Gemini stopped moving. He turned to Fourth to say something. He walked closer to him and stopped right in front of Fourth. Fourth froze.

"Your bracelet...." Gemini said.

"Brace - " Fourth looked down and checked his right wrist. The bracelet wasn't there!

"I have your bracelet. It must fell to the floor along with your books and spectacles." Gemini continued to soothe Fourth's nervousness. 

Fourth slowly nodded. He did not noticed about the disappearance of his favorite bracelet. He was too busy thinking about his future boyfriend. 

Gemini frowned when he didn't find the bracelet. It was on his bag before. Where was it? Gemini sighed... It must be in his boyfriend's condo. He pulled out Joss's present and put it on the table. The bracelet must been accidentally pulled out too. 


It was from Joss and Gemini answered the phone call. In seconds, Joss was upset with something and Fourth could clearly heard his voice from the phone call. 

"So it indeed in your condo. I will be there in five minutes." Gemini didn't want to argue in front of Fourth. It will be rude and disrespectful if he did that.

The phone conversation ended.

"I will be back." Gemini said after he ended the awful conversation. Fourth went speechless. He was confused.

"Er, khun...."

"My name is Gemini." Gemini smiled while leaving the condo. He left to Joss's condo to take the bracelet. 

Fourth slowly nodded, "I'm Fourth..." 

But Gemini didn't hear that because he was already gone. Fourth walked towards the main door and waited for Gemini to come back. Wonder what happened to his new friend...

Gemini met Joss in front of the condo. Joss was already outside with the bracelet. There was too much he wanted to ask Gemini and it was about that freaking accessory.

"Give it to me." Gemini requested with a cold voice tone. Well, they were not in a good state after Joss forgot about their anniversary. He was there just because of the bracelet. He has to return it to its owner.

"Who's Fourth?" Joss asked.

"A friend." Gemini replied.

"Just tell me the truth." Joss demanded for an explanation. He was mad and jealous.

"A friend. Now give me the bracelet." Gemini tried to take it from Joss's hand but Joss was too quick to dodged. 

"Gem!" Joss raised his voice. Gemini automatically stopped moving. 

"Where were you just now? Whose shirt and pants is that?" Joss asked out of curiosity. He knew something was off. Where the hell was Gemini before?!

"None of your business." Gemini replied. He was mad too. 

"Is everything okay?" 

The slow voice makes the couple changed their gazes at the same time. Fourth was behind, standing from few metres away from them. He was there to checked on Gemini.

Yeah, he knew he was being nosy but...

"Who is he?" Joss asked Gemini.

"A friend who owns this bracelet." Gemini said. Joss nodded in jealousy. 

"So, you're Fourth ha?" Joss asked. Gemini knew Joss going to confront Fourth. It was misunderstanding. 

"P, he is my friend na!" Gemini tried to clear the misunderstanding but Joss was blinded by anger and jealousy.

Fourth was so confused.

"What is your relationship with my boyfriend? Are you trying to snatch Gemini from me?"

Fourth was lost for words. He didn't know what to say. Joss was too fierce and scary. But one for sure and the most important thing was, Joss is Gemini's boyfriend. So Gemini isn't single.

"Stay away from Gemini." Joss warned Fourth.

"You have no right to tell him what to do!" Gemini was so upset with his boyfriend. It was beyond the limit! 

Gemini snatched the bracelet from Joss's hand and took Fourth away from there. He didn't have time to quarrel with Joss. He was damn tired! Fourth followed like a lost puppy.

Gemini gave the bracelet back to Fourth and left the place after that. He was too sad to stay. He apologized for what happened. He apologized for Joss's behavior.


But Gemini already stepped out of the condo. It's still raining hard outside and Gemini didn't got umbrella with him. Fourth took his umbrella and chased him down. Gemini was already inside the elevator and was moving to the ground floor. 

Fourth used the emergency stairs and reached the ground floor with sweats all over his face. He was tired and panting so hard. He rushed to Gemini who was walking in front of him. 

"Gemini!" He shouted his name. 

Gemini turned around, surprised to see him. He stopped walking with wiggled eyebrows.

"Um-umbrel-la...." Fourth said with short of breath. He put the umbrella closed to Gemini. 

"You are here just because of this?" Gemini asked. He was amazed with Fourth's kindness.

Fourth nodded.

Gemini gone speechless...

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