Sneakig out

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Hunter was dressed in normal clothing, wearing a cloak over himself. It had been a week since his run in with everyone at Eclipse Lake, and it had been a week since he told Flapjack they could go flying. Some things came up, and he never got the chance to go out with Flapjack until now.

Emperor Belos had been working Hunter more and more even since the day of unity preparations started, and it's given Hunter zero opportunities to leave. But today he just had portals, which was the perfect excuse to sneak out.
He wasn't dressed as the golden guard, since he knew one of the scouts or someone in general would report him with a palesman. It was best to disguise himself, none of the scouts besides Steve knew what Hunter looked like, so he'd be safe. As long as he didn't run into the human and her friends, again.

Hunter sighed, heading over to his window. He carefully opened it, and sat on the windowsill with his legs hanging out the window. He was lucky the window to his room wasn't faced near the public, or else everyone would know what he looked like.
He looked over to Flapjack, who was eating some birdseed on his bedside table. "Are you going to come?" He asked, crossing his arms as he glanced at his palesman. Flapjack chirped, quickly finishing eating the seeds before flying over to Hunter.

He flew in front of him on the outside of the window, turning into his staff form for Hunter to grab. He did just that, grabbing the upper part of the staff's body and getting on. He was still getting used to flying on a real palesman, but he was starting to get the hang of it.
He took a deep breath, looking around for any scouts on the ground that were on duty. Once the coast was clear, he took off with Flapjack.




Hunter sighed, breathing in the fresh air of the boiling Isles. He enjoyed flying a lot, it was really the only thing that made him feel free.

He didn't get to do this often, most of the times when he snuck out he'd end up getting caught and punished. He just hoped this time wasn't like that, and that he got to enjoy this freedom for a bit.
He didn't have anywhere in mind to go, so he just flew over the forest. He breathed in deeply, closing his eyes as he flew past the trees. He spun himself around in a spiral, shooting straight down. Before he got close to hitting the trees he pulled up, missing them.

He loved being able to do this, even if it was barely ever. He enjoyed being outside a lot, this was his safe place.

Hunter flew down past the trees, flying through the forest. He slowed down, enough to where he could admire the nature around him. The Boiling Isles had a strange beauty to it, a beauty Hunter sometimes wished he didn't have to destroy in the Emperor's name.

He sighed and flew down closer to the ground, before stopping. He got off Flapjack, watching as he turned out of his staff form.

Flapjack chirped, flying around Hunter and pulling at his hair. "Ow, hey stop it!" Hunter said, swatting at Flapjack slightly. "I can't understand you, what do you want?" He asked, knowing Flapjack was trying to tell him something.

Flapjack chirped, flying past Hunter. Hunter blinked, standing there confused as he watched Flapjack fly off. It took him a moment to process what had happened, before he chased after his palesman.




Hunter panted heavily, finally having caught up to Flapjack. "Why'd you fly off like that?" Hunter asked, his breathing heavy as he tried to catch his breath.
Flapjack chirped, landing on Hunter's shoulder. "What does that mean?" Hunter asked, a bit confused on what Flapjack was chirping about.

Suddenly there was a footstep behind them, the sound of a branch snapping. Hunter quickly turned away, and Flapjack flew in front of him.

There was a Griffen standing in front of them, crouched down like it was ready to pounce. Flapjack chirped, turning into his staff form. Hunter quickly got onto him, he didn't like Griffens. "Sorry for umm.. waking you up, but we've got to go now.. byyye!" Hunter said, quickly flying up.

The griffin growled, following Hunter into the sky. Hunter panicked, and quickly started flying over to the Titan's Knee. He could probably lose him there, griffens hated the cold.

The griffin flew directly next to Hunter, trying to paw at him with one of its claws. Hunter quickly dogged it, flying faster.
Another reason he didn't sneak out that often was because of things like this.

Hunter quickly flew up to the Titan's Knee, his breathing heavy as he dogged the griffen yet again. He flew past a group of trees, and heard the sound of them snapping at the griffen ran into them.

Hunter looked back, sighing in relief. That relief was short lived, as the griffen appeared in front of him, causing him to swerve and crash.

[Word Count: 872]

||Sorry this is a bit rushed and short, Merry Christmas!||

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