Footsteps outside the door makes my body tense. Someone opens the door and I have to swallow the gasp of fear that overcomes me as I clutch my metal rod tighter. A stromtrooper walks into the room and begins half heartedly looking around the room. He hasn't seen me yet, and I hope it stays that way as I press myself further into the corner.  As he goes to leave the room, he sees me.

"Hey!" he exclaims. Before I have time to think, I swing the metal rod at him, hitting him in the head. He falls back and lands on the floor. I stare at him in shock as he doesn't move. I am half torn between checking to see if he is okay, and running out of the room. Getting my senses straight, I step over the man, whispering a quick 'sorry', and run out of the room, sure that someone must have heard him yell and will come to investigate.

Out in the hallway I run right into another stromtrooper, and lash out immediatly, not even giving myself a chance to see what I hit before I start running down the hall. I can hear footsteps behind me and dare a glance over my shoulder. The sight sends despair seeping through me. Three troopers are chasing me, and I have nowhere to go. I run into the nearest room and slam the door shut, locking it and running to the far side of the room, franticly trying to find somewhere to hide, but knowing deep down that there is nowhere for me to hide where they won't find me. I'm on a First Order Stardestroyer. Of course there is no where for me to go. 

There is banging on the door and I can hear blasters being shot at the door. It doesn't take long for it to open and the troopers swarm in. I swing out with my metal rod, but they move out of the way. 

"Drop your weapon." One of them says, pointing a blaster at my head. "Now." I let it slip from my fingers and the only sound in the room is the clattering of it hitting the floor. The one on the left reaches to grab me, but in a last chance to try and get away, I kick him, catching him of guard and making him step back. Another guard comes rushing forward, and I punch as hard as I can, but he dodges it easily and I stumble forward. The trooper takes the chance to tackle me to the ground. My side colides with the floor, and I feel my entire body being crushed by the weight of the stormtrooper. I trash out, desperatly trying to get away as the stormtrooper grabs my wrists behind my back and puts cuffs on them.

"Get off me!" I shout, trying to get off the floor and away from them. The stormtrooper stands up and pulls me up with him. When I refuse to walk, he pushes me in the back and I go stumbling forward, almost face planting with the ground. "Move." He says. I feel the distinct feeling of a blaster being pushed into my back and I swallow harshly, taking a hesitant step forward. 

We leave the room and make our way through the small ship. Every step closer to the entrance I dread seeing the man who I know must be behind this. We step out onto the landing pad, and standing before me, a smirk on his face, is General Hux.

The stormtrooper holding my arm pushes me to my knees front of him. Fear lodges itself in my throat as I meet his eyes. Full of pure evil.

"Well if it isn't Kylo Rens mysterious prisoner." He drawls, gloved hand coming out to touch my cheek. I pull away in disgust and the smirk on his face fades. 

"Bring her to the cells." He says to the stormtroopers behind me. "I will be there shortly." Hands grab my arms and lift me of the ground, pushing me forward into a hesitant walk. I look behind me to see Hux watching me intently, and I can't help but fear what he wants with me. 


The cell doors open, and I get thrown in, stumbling forwards, unable to catch my fall with my hands that are still tied behind my back. I fall to the floor, my head hitting the hard concrete I yell out in pain and try to sit up, but am stopped by a stormtrooper who pushes me back down to the floor and grabs my bound wrists. 

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