Chapter 1: Something interesting

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POV: Cid Kagenou

Midgar kingdom: Somewhere high and completely necessary

Ahhh it's been a busy few days hasn't it? But man the whole cryptic serial killer act I got to put on was worth it though. This is something I've always wanted to to do in my list of eminence in shadow activities TM so I'm glad I could finally get to pull it off.

I've meticulously cultivated the perfect legendary reputation surrounding the mysterious vengeful killer Jack the ripper so the whole city will probably go wild with talk over the next few days. Perfection. If all goes well the whole story of events may go down in history as an unsolved myth, without anyone knowing that the true identity behind the killer was me all along.

Now that this is all over I guess I have to designate myself to background character living for the next few days. After all an npc's gotta do what an npc's gotta do. But if I do recall from my visit with Alpha a few days ago she said something about preparing for the war with Oriana.


yes I see it.

A lone ruler of an outcast nation siding with the Eminence in Shadow to achieve victory and glory. Sound lit doesn't it? Come to think I haven't seen Rose in a while now too so I'll shelve the whole idea as something do do later.

As it is now there is still a week left of school before the holidays so I think I will play it slow for now until something interesting happens.

"On the surface lies a world of deceit, you must search deep in the shadows of evil for the truth..." I stand upon the rooftops and rase my palm to the moon for the extra dramatic effect before vanishing from sight.

I think I'll save that for later too.




Unknown location

Shadow garden...

A bunch of filthy creatures with hopeless ambitions. Cult intelligence has yet to find much about their structure or operations but we acknowledge the existence of those called 'the 7 shades' who seem to be high ranking leaders and of course the infamous Shadow: a man with unknown strength and motives.

They have been allowed to run around and cause inconveniences for far too long. We simply underestimated their strength before but now is a different situation, their troublesome actions have been regarded as a potential threat so it is with great pleasure that I will see to Shadow garden being destroyed by my own hands.

Their futile efforts will ultimately be for nothing now that we have made this new breakthrough in technology. The prototype is now finished and currently I am the only holder of this great power, but soon we will be able to manufacture this product in the thousands and reach unprecedented levels of strength.

The inevitable demise of Shadow garden shall begin this upcoming week.

The true strength of the Cult of Diablos will finally be shown.



POV: Cid

Location: Midgar dormitories

One week later

Approximately a week has now passed and it is the beginning of our school holiday period.
What am I doing now you ask?

Well you see after escaping numerous meaningless attempts of social interaction with my dear sister I have now been holed up in my dorm room for the past hour.
What am I doing here you ask?

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