Chapter 2 - Within the Moonlights Shine

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Not much to say except I decided to upload the second chapter quickly, Feel free to ask any questions or share feed back. All upvotes are appreciated! Now let's dive back into the dream-sharing world!


The silver glow of moonlight bathed Fionna's treehouse, creating an enchanting ambiance that accentuated her golden curls and the pink hue of her adventuring sword. The memories of the Ice Queen's deception, masquerading as Prince Gumball three years ago, floated through her mind. With her birthday only two weeks away, the anticipation of making her own decisions hung in the air.

Concealed within the shadows, Marshall effortlessly glided through the wall, utilizing one of his many vampire perks. The subtle hint of his presence sent an unexpected shiver down Fionna's spine, causing the delicate hairs on the back of her neck to stand at attention.

Marshall, ever the daredevil, couldn't resist the temptation to trail his fingers along the back of her neck, intrigued by the idea of eliciting goosebumps. Despite his thousand years of existence, such simple pleasures still fascinated him.

He were once human but after so long you forget simplicities such as this.

Startled by the surreal presence, Fionna spun around, desperately trying to grasp at the elusive sensation-an enigmatic feeling that stirred an unsettling urgency within her.

Why does this feel so...maybe he's actually here, she pondered, the previous cold sensation lingering as she hesitantly rubbed the back of her neck. It did feel colder than normal.

Caught between the echoes of the dream and the tangible reality of Marshall's hidden presence, Fionna hesitated. "Marshall, dreams are one thing, but-"

She waited for a response, despite the uncertainty that he might not be able to hear. Regardless of her hesitance, she continued, "But there's something different about this, something I can't quite put my finger on."

Marshall remained an unseen observer, absorbing her words like a nocturnal breeze. The moon's shadows played upon his invisible form, adding an extra layer of mystery to his clandestine presence.

Fionna, torn between the ethereal remnants of the dream and the enigma before her, felt a magnetic pull. "Are you here, Marshall? Or is this another twist in the surreal dance of dreams?"

His red eyes glowed at the mention of dreams, her dreams. curiosity sparking within him. No harm in wanting to know more, he urged himself.

Before Marshall could delve into the conversation, Cake barged in as though it wasn't 2 AM. Unfazed, Cake was known for being up, watching chick flicks on the couch at odd hours.

Cake bounces into the room, her cat ears twitching with infectious excitement. "Fionna, guess what? Gumball invited us to the Candy Kingdom ball in 3 weeks!"

Fionna's eyes widened, a mix of surprise and uncertainty reflected in their depths. "The ball? Oh, glob. I dreamt about it last night, but it was so... weird."

Cake chuckled in response, "Dreams are just dreams, Fionna. Now, let's get ready! We've got a ball to attend."

As Fionna  thought of his cake would prep for such a long distance invitation, remnants of the dream played in her mind like a haunting melody. The mischievous smirk on Marshall's face, the ethereal dance of his kisses-it all felt strangely tangible.

Fionna's fingers fumbled with the ties of her adventuring attire, really just being her backpack and sword as she wrestled with conflicting thoughts. The anticipation of the upcoming ball mingled with the lingering traces of the dream, making her question the boundaries between reality and the ethereal.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2023 ⏰

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