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Pablo's POV 

I don't know but after the dinner with Emily me and pedri have been tense so i decided to ask him what's wrong even though i had a feeling of what it was already

"Hey is something bothering you cause i feel like it's been tense lately"i said walking into his room

"No i'm fine"he said without looking up at me

"i've known you for a long time and i know your lying so just tell me"i said sitting on his bed

"Can i be honest with you"he said sighing 

"Yeah anything"i said knowing what's coming

"Amelia and me actually had a connection but i ghosted her"i was confused at this point i thought he was going to say he had feeling for Emily i guess i was wrong

"Why"i said trying to hide the fact that i was happy he didn't like her 

"i don't know i got scared"he said in a sad tone

"Scared of what commitment or opening up?"i said confused on why he ghosted her

"That's the problem i don't know my birthday is in 2 days i'm about to be 21 and still single"it made me realize he was right he's never had any sort of communication with a girl

"hey 21 isn't bad just wait for the right one"when i said that his face turned into pure sadness

"i think i lost the one"he said with a sad look

"Hey her dad sponsors the team so she must come to some of our games"i said trying to make him feel better

"yeah you have that right"he chuckled 

"do you think i should ask Emily out?"i just blurted out

"um yeah i mean you like her"he said surprised by my question

"What if she says no"i said in a scared tone

"Yeah i doubt it buddy but after the stunt you pulled at the dinner with the waiter i'm not sure she's probably talking to the waiter right now"he chuckled 

"You think?"i said concerned

"i was joking"he said laughing

"Well i'll see what i do"i said getting up and headed to the door

"Good talk"he yelled as i was out of headed to my room

"sure"i yelled back

i didn't know what to do i mean i was her to be mine but i'm scared i'll mess it up what if she rejects me? 

Pedri's POV

i wanted to tell him the truth but i guess i didn't want to ruin our friendship so i lied

"hey would you want to go for lunch tomorrow"i said scared of her response

"Yeah why not,What time though?"when she agreed i was so happy

"Um in 12 noon fine"i said worried if Pablo already asked her

"yeah that's fine i have nothing to do"i felt bad that i was doing this to Pablo but i just have to let her know

"well i'll see you tomorrow"she said hanging up

Was i a bad friend for doing this i mean he's probably going to ask me about it but i have to try 

"PEDRI"he yelled i knew he found out

"yes"i said trying to hide the fact that i knew what he was mad about

"You asked Emily on a date"he said slamming my door open

"No i asked her to get lunch with me tomorrow since we don't have practice"i said acting innocent 

"I have a question?"he said looking suspicious

"Shoot buddy"i said a little scared

"Do you like Emily on a serious note"he looked at me with the same suspicious look

"What ar-"i tried to avoid the question but he interrupted me

"ANSWER"he yelled getting angrier

"your crazy i asked her to lunch if you want you can come with us"i said angry at him yelling at me

"You still didn't answer"he said calming down but still angry

"YES"i yelled as i see him get angrier



"you know what i'm leaving"he said turning around


"YOU DICK"before i knew it we were fighting 

he tackled me to the floor and started punching me i didn't want to hurt him but he wouldn't stop so i shoved him off of me

"ARE YOU CRAZY"i yelled at him

"I'm sor-"

"You know what i'm done you can have Pablo"i said angry 

"NOW GET OUT"i yelled as he got out

Maybe i am wrong i can't love her She belongs to him so from now on I'll let her go even though i never had her i'll keep my distance and i'll tell Pablo i'm over her and he won

Maybe i'm the coward if i actually loved her i would be willing to fight for her but i'm not 

I'm the Coward


Short Chapter i might not post for a while i'm trying to finish writing the first 5 chapters of my new book so i'll update when i can
I also hate this chapter i feel like it's rushed so i'll edit it when i have time 
Also thank you for 1.9K 🤯 
I love all of you i also have some drafts so i'll post some of those but i love all of you and can't believe we were about to hit 2 k reads
there might be typos so sorry


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