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"Hazza I'm going to the skatepark!" Louis calls out to Harry with his board in his hands.

He painted it himself, as he quite likes painting in his free time.

"Louis, wait!" Harry shouts from the top of the stairs.

He's about to open the door when Harry bolts down the stairs, carrying Louis helmet.

"Helmet, love" He gives Louis a pointed look.

"Sorry I forgot" Louis shrugs.

"Also, I'm coming with" Harry smiles. Louis smirks.

"Really? You're gonna skate?"

"Oh no way. I just wanna watch you. You're always asking me to come with you, so here I am"

"Alright, come on then" Louis tugs Harry out of the door.


When they arrive at the skatepark, it's packed. Literally. There are people everywhere. There's not even any room to sit down.

"There's space over there, Lou" Harry points to a little corner with a ramp.

They walk over to the corner, and Harry sits on the floor.

"So what, you normally just ride around?" Harry asks.

Louis nods, "you can go hire a skateboard if you like. You might get a little bored just sitting and watching me."

"Nah it's alright love, I'll watch you" He smiles.

He puts on his helmet and skates over to the ramp. He climbs up it and lines up the bottom of the board against the silver edge.

He look over to Harry, who is looking right at him already. He puts his thumbs up to Louis and nods encouragingly.

Louis takes a breath and pushes forward, making sure to slam down the front of the board onto the ramp, so he doesn't slip backwards.

He leans forward as the top of his board hits the other side, and drifts back down to the middle. Louis stands up and grabs his board, running over to Harry.

"I've never been able to do that before!" Louis grins.

"I'm so proud of you Lou, well done!" Harry smiles and hugs Louis.

"Now you have to try"

Harry shakes his head so his long locks are flying everywhere.

"Nuh-uh, no chance"

Louis just out his lip, "Please Haz, it's fun, honestly!"

Harry rolls his eyes and smiles at his boyfriend.

"Fine, but you're holding onto me the whole time!"

"Of course I will" Louis skips over to the ramp, places his board onto the floor and takes of his helmet.

"M' scared Lou" Harry puts on Louis' helmet and climbs to the top of the ramp.

"You'll be fine" Louis laughs.

He lines the skateboard up again, keeping his foot on the back so it doesn't roll down.

He takes Harry's hands and tells him to put his foot where his is.

Once he's all ready to lean forward he asks, "What if I fall?"

"Then I'll catch you" Louis replies calmly. Harry trusts Louis', he always has done.

Louis let's go of Harry's hands and climbs back down again.

Harry takes a deep breath, "Sure you'll catch me?"

Louis nods, getting ready incase he falls.

Harry pushes his foot down, but not hard enough. The back wheel knocks the silver edge, making the wood at the back of the board slide against the ramp and topple forward.

"Woa-ooof" Harry feels arms go around his waist when he's about to hit the floor.

"Told you I'd catch you," Louis smiles, "That was close, you need to slam down your front foot as hard as you can, then balance yourself"

After a few more tries and fails, Harry finally does it.

"I did it Lou!! It felt like I was flying!" Harry jumps into Louis' arms.

"I knew you could do it love" Louis praises.



Words: 614

Thanks for reading!


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