•a night with my bf • pt-1

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Everyone came out of their pratice room expect jeonghan today unfortunately jeonghan had to clean the floor after pratice . Normally he waited for this chance because whenever he used to be selected to clean,his boyfriend seungcheol would stay with him in the pratice room talking with him , cuddling him from the back and something they used to even slow danced before they started cleaning. But today was different his boyfriend unfortunately has to stay in hiatus because of his leg surgery. Jeonghan felt so bad when he got to know that seungcheol can't participate with them for this comeback but he understands that rest is the first priority.

As he was cleaning he thought of distracting himself by playing some songs so as he was playing some song he randomly plays on of their songs 'fire' which led him to missing seungcheol even more because bro did he miss him already and now he even missing his voice , presence , hugs ,kisses, hands , pecks, waist holds , slow dancing he basically is missing everything he remembers about seungcheol and what he remembers is everything about seungcheol, from head to toe everything. As cringe as it sounds he can't help it he just misses his man is it a problem? Probably no.


As jeonghan came home he was tried asf he fastly slipped into his PJs and then turned on his fairy lights and then offed the lights and layed on the bed and then texted seungcheol

Babe? Are you busy ?
Are you sleeping?
Oh.. are you in ur daily checkups ?

(After the last Message jeonghan sent he almost instantly saw a reply.)

No babe . Tf will I do staying at home to be occupied??

How was pratice btw was is good ?did anyone got hurt?

No babe. No one fortunately
got hurt but mingoo is
complaining about his back
aches i siad him to go to the doc
but the stubborn kid he is..

The stubborn ass kid he is.
fool him and take him to the doctor
anyways and btw why did u ask
if I was busy ??

I missed you bae.. today was my cleaning day :( you weren't there waiting for me :( i was sad.


*Video Call from daddu*

" Babe I missed you too~ you're doing a good job.
if I was there right now with you, I would cuddle u until you urself will ask me to stop cause you can't breath" seungcheol said

"Stop saying all this makes me miss you even moreee" jeonghan whined

"Hmm I see.. you really do miss mee" seungcheol said while he turned around to one side. at first he was on his bed straight facing the celling and phone in his hands now he shifted to the side and put the phone beside his pillow using his pillow as an phone holder.

"Ofcourse I do pabo" jeonghan said shifting to the same position as seungcheol and then silence an comfortable one they were just staring at eachother with love, hope and sincerity

And after that jeonghan says " you're so annoying omgg. if I don't see you I miss you if I see u i miss u even more if I don't listen to ur voice i misss you if i listen to ur voice i misss u even more" he ends up saying this all with a small pout on his lips

Seungcheol laughs and tells " i missed u too love attually I missed u sooo dammnn muchh that i almost opend ur face cams and started watching them "

Jeonghan chuckled at that and asked "how is ur leg ? Does it ache? "

"Ohh noo it's fine I can walk now so yeahh I'm doing well just some more healing and I can come back"

"Take ur time love.. don't have to rush. I can take care of the kids. It's time you focus on urself too"

" Hmm oakyy bud.. don't u have a award show to attend tomorrow? sleep honey don't be late for it u will wake up with dark circles if u don't sleeppp"

"Okayy i will but stay in the call please " just hanni pleaded he knows he sounds so cringe rn but he doens't give a fuck he knows seungcheol understands so who else should he care?


HEHHE so yeah a random jeongcheol blabber and this has a part two to it so stay tuned ig ? So yeah hopefully meet u in the next one baii💗💃

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