Chapter 12

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Katie stood by the window of their hotel room, watching the bustling street of Saint Denis below her. Letting out a sigh, she turned around to Arthur, who laid on the bed, his limbs stretched out as he stared at the ceiling.

"Aren't you scared, or at least worried?" Crossing her arms, she leaned against the windowsill. Letting out a sigh of his own, Arthur sat up on the bed, locking eyes with her.

"About what? The gang kicking us out of camp?" Chuckling at the memory of it, he stood up and walked up next to her, leaning his shoulder on the wall next to her.

"It's been three days now. We haven't heard a word from them." Shrugging his shoulders, Arthur started to pace through the room.

"There is nothing we can do. I mean, going back to camp? They wouldn't even let us near Shady Belle."

It has been three days since they had brought Jack back to camp. They had spent the night drinking and partying to celebrate the little boys' return. Sitting next to each other at the campfire, Arthur and Katie talked about the wedding they wanted to start organizing. Little did they know that Bill, who was sitting next to them, had heard what they were talking about. Calling out in his drunk behavior, he had the gained the attention of the whole camp. Only a few seconds later, they were surrounded by the other gang members, rambling about the wedding and the organizing they would have to do. A couple of minutes later the both of them were shoved into the directions of their horses. Telling them that they wouldn't have to worry about a single thing, Dutch made them leave the camp. So they had rented a hotel room in Saint Denis, waiting for the Gang to finish the preparation, so they would be able to go back to Shady Belle.

A knock on the door caught their attention. Exchanging a short look, Arthur opened the door, revealing Bill, who had a bright smile plastered on his face. Letting him enter the room, Arthur closed the door behind him.

"So... we allowed to come back to camp?" Arthur was eager to go back to the mansion, slightly worried about what the gang had done within the last days.

"No. But both of you are going to get married today. Arthur, you're coming back with me. We need to get you ready. Katie, Susan and the other women will be here shortly." Not being able to protest, Arthur got shoved out of the room by Bill, leaving Katie alone in the hotel room.

Looking at the closed door in disbelief, Katie needed a few seconds to comprehend what Bill had said. They are going to get married today. Taking in a deep breath, she started to get nervous.
The door opened again as Susan, Tilly, Mary-Beth, and Karen walked in. Gathering around Katie, they started to talk about the wedding.

"We made it out of the fabric that we still had in camp, so it might not be the most elegant dress, but we will make the final touches when you put it on." Holding up a dress made out of white fabric, Susan gave it to Katie, so she could try it on.
Once she had put it on, she was surrounded by Tilly and Karen, who worked on the final touches of the dress.

The atmosphere within the room was a mixture of excitement and tenderness. Katie, full of joy and nerves, stood in this unlikely sisterhood.
Mary-Beth offered her a gentle smile as she approached her with a comb in her hand to tame her hair.

"You're going to look so beautiful." Katie looked her in the eyes, a silent acknowledgment of the bond that had formed within the camp. As she sat down on a chair, Susan started to weave flowers into her hair.

Standing in front of the mirror, they shared a moment of silence, as it reflected Katie's transformation.The women formed a circle around her, their gazes reflecting pride and sisterly love. The dress clung to her body in unexpected elegance, and the flowers were a colorful contrast to her brown hair.

The lost spark in your eyes //RDR2 // Arthur MorganDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora