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"So hear me out. I think you and Will would hit it off" Amy had been hinting at setting me up with someone the whole shoot, nothing made me think it would ever be her ex-husband though.


"No, don't get weird about it. He's hot, he's single, he's a nice guy"

"Who you divorced"

"Well yeah, he's not the right nice guy for me and he's had some shit going on but he's in a much better place. I'm not the right girl for him, but that doesn't mean he's not the right guy for someone. It's been 3 years, I think that's long enough"

"Long enough for you to start setting him up?" I tilted my head.

"Fuck yeah! You said you like an old guy so I guess an age gap isn't an issue. Look, I've moved on and I'm sick of hearing about you being single and not seeing him happy - not that he's depressed or anything, I should be selling him better" she took a bite of her lunch and continued. "So can I give him your number, or set up a chance encounter or something. I want to be like a fairy godmother and I know this could work" she pulled an angelic face trying to get me to concede.

"Fine, go for it" I didn't want to resist too much, if things went well I'd never hear the end if I protested too much, and, he was kinda hot.

She set to her phone and passed my number his way, if it was meant to be then he'd call, I didn't fancy being set up in a sort of blind date, that seemed a little contrite. We headed back to set, phones in trailers and I tried to think nothing more. I checked my phone as soon as I could, feeling genuinely a little excited now.

Unknown: hey, Poehler said I should say hi, so Hi!

Me: hello. She's been talking you up a lot the last few days

I popped his name in my phone and he replied quickly.

Arnett: she's obsessed!
Arnett: what you up to?

Me: I'm heading back to my hotel, day finished! You?

Arnett: I'm on the 16th waiting for my buddy to take his shot. You're done for the day? It's like 5.30

Me: we're so close to the end it's just mopping up a few things and when the light goes we're done. Do you win at golf? Have you won yet? ⛳️

Arnett: ha! Not yet.

I didn't want to keep annoying him, he was clearly busy. I also hated chasing guys! I got back to my room and flopped on the bed.

Arnett: but now I'm distracted and off my game completely.
Arnett: what are you doing later?

Me: not much.

I watched as it showed him typing and then stop a few times before his next message appeared.

Arnett: fancy doing something?

Me: sounds good.

He quickly arranged where to meet and he suggested heading to the driving range, I knew he was a little obsessed with golf. But an activity would make this sort of thing much easier.

It all seemed a little quick but I guess there was no point in hanging around. I met him at him inside the entrance. He was in shorts and a shirt, his hair was mussed but looked like he put effort in and he had his clubs with him.
"Hi, fuck you're cute in real life" he smiled and kissed my cheek "nice to properly meet you"

"Hey, yeah you too" he was taller than I thought and he smelt bloody good. "Well I hope you're good at explain how this all works cos I have no idea what I'm doing"

"You're in good hands" he smiled and took the bag. "Come on, I'll show you the ropes."

He found us our little section and sorted me out with a few clubs that were better for my height. He showed me some basics and we set off - conversation was so easy. He made me properly giggle, he was witty and quick and smart, and god did he know how to flirt.

After him showing off and me hitting a few poor shots he got frustrated. "Ok right I can't, you need, umm" he stood and got close behind me "can I?" He asked gesturing to put his hand on mine.

"Of course" I turned back and held the club and in that oh so cheesy movie-like moment he wrapped himself around me from behind and covered my hands with his. His head over my shoulder, his breath on my neck making my skin goosebump.

"So you need to line up with the ball, grip strong but not too hard, your hips need to" he slipped his hands to them and swayed me slightly and then slid them back down my arms "then you swing back, and through" when he spoke his deep voice vibrated in his chest and then through me. He swang with me a few time and then stepped back and I managed to actually hit the ball on the final swing. "There you go!" I span round in excitement and gave him a high five.

We hit the ball for what felt like moments and hours all at the same time. We talked about everything and anything and it all seemed so easy. When it was time to leave he offered to drive me back to the hotel.

Clubs in the car we set off "so what do I say to Phoeler tomorrow?" I asked

"Well she can't know it went well, we'd never hear the end of it!" He smirked.

"I'll say you talked about golf the whole time" I teased.

He pulled into the hotel car park "it has gone well though right?" He turned after parking up.

"It had. I was not expecting being set up to actually be, well, yeah - it's gone well" I smiled.

"You wanna do it again?" He asked looking very cute. And I took a deep breath.

"I do, yeah" I smiled and there was a pause. He quickly leant forward, cupping my cheek with one hand and pulling me in to him for a kiss. He was soft to start and then his hand tangled into my hair and pulled me closer as our tongues met and explored. He slowed and then pulled away taking a deep breath. "Sorry, I felt like I couldn't hold that back" he smiled "and I've been stopping myself doing that since you walked into the range"

"Don't fucking apologise!"

"So how about dinner? I could do like, Friday?"

"Friday sounds perfect!"

"I'll cook" he smiled.

"Is that safe?" I raised an eyebrow.

"How dare you! You'll be in very safe hands" he winked.

"Good. Ok. So, Friday then. And I'm saying you just talked golf" he leant in again.

"Putters, downswing, hole in one" he mumbled as he kissed me again. I placed my hand on his chest.

"I should go, or I'm never going to leave" I joked gathering my bag. "Thank you for a lovely evening."

"I'll see you Friday" he crooned and I headed out.

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