~Chapter 3~

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k so i have decided that ill either give yall a meme or a fanart depending on my mood. heres a meme for now lol.

!TW!: profanity, mentions of abuse, mentions of human experimentations, self harm


The day was filled with laughter, smiles, and overall fun. But by the time we had gotten back to the palace, it was around 2 PM. So, we decided to do what any normal people would do after a long date.

Switch into comfier clothes and have a full-on snowball war. That's right, not fight, war.  

So, we each had half an hour of preparation. I made it heavily snow around us, and we both started making our own walls of snow, and different obstacles. 


"You're on." I say with a smirk. It would be unfair if I used my powers... But I might sneak some in~

I hid behind one of the snow walls I made and took three snowballs. I peeked out and as soon as he did too, I chucked a snowball at his face, but he dodged in time. I ran out from my cover to a wall with a window, and almost got hit in the process. From the opening in the wall, It was easier to shoot. We both had impeccable aim, so the only problem would be how long one of us could last while dodging. We were playing like little kids, and it lasted for about an hour. We had a few rules; first to get hit two times, loses the round. We played three rounds, and the score ended up being 1-1, with us being hit at the same time in the last round. So we just decided to call it even because we were getting a bit tired, even though I was not  pleased with a not-so-clear winner. 

I let it slide for him though.

"So, should we head to the lab now? Or do you need a bit of a rest?" Dottore asked with a seemingly straight face. If it wasn't for the mask, I'd be able to see his joyous eyes. He showed me his face without a mask once, and only once (After he started wearing it, his scholar days don't count). It was enchanting, really. His crimson red eyes were almost pulling me into him. Honestly, it took all I had in me not to touch his face. But that was like- two hundred years ago? I wonder if it has changed...

"Darling, I told you I can't get tired easily. If you're up for it, we could run some experiments! Ooo, I found a few new subjects a few days ago, I don't know if you noticed!" I say, almost beaming with excitement. He seemed to get a bit flustered by the pet name, but he always does. I sometimes call people pet names when they forget something obvious, and I need to help remind them again. It usually works, and they don't forget next time, but with Dottore, it simply seems to make his memory worse. Oh well, I don't mind reminding him every time!

We gradually made it back to the lab, and looked over some papers for possible experiments. We were looking at some potential tests that I had previously written down. Suddenly, one of his clones burst through the door. (This clone is webttore, and I decided to give him the name Beta¹)

"Prime, I got the reports on test 2076, and-" He glanced up from his paper and looked at the two of us with a seemingly annoyed scowl on his face. My Archons, he was probably the most annoying of them all. But I couldn't help but still love him and his annoyed expressions. It was quite cute. He continued, snapping me out of my thoughts, "- oh. You're here.

"You make it sound like I'm some sort of a pest, Beta." I roll my eyes as I continue sifting through the papers.

"Whatever. I'll just leave the papers here, bye." He said coldly as he shut the door behind him loudly.

The Ability to Love (Dottore x fem!Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now