୨୧ announcement ୨୧

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how is everyone doing? i hope all is well.

i am not, by all means, discontinuing this graphics shop, if that's what you're wondering with this sudden announcement.

however, i am going to change a few things, honestly not because i want to, but because i have to.

there is a lot going on in my life offline; i have friends that are moving away real soon, i am preparing myself to apply for college and i have a full time job that takes up most of the time i previously used to work on graphics plus other many things i don't wish to state here for various reasons.

these are my first priorities right now and it's sad to say, but i barely get time for any hobbies right now.

graphics is my number one passion at the moment so i don't wish to give up on it on any case, therefore i have decided that i will make some changes and put some limits on what i do, and as i'm getting many requests here on ataraxia, the limits will also apply for the graphics here.

- one thing i'm currently struggling with is graphics bundles; throughout October and November i got a quite handful of requests for graphics bundles and i'm yet to finish all of them all.

since bundles take a lot of time to be done, and despite how much i love making everything matching for your books, i've come to the decision that i would no longer accept more than two bundles per month.

- i am putting a limit to the number of graphics a user can request within a certain time limit.

- covers; maximum 3 covers per request
- moodboard; maximum 4 moodboards per request
- banners; maximum 4 banners per request
- profile themes; maximum 1 theme per request

once you've received any graphics from ataraxia, you are to use the graphics for at least two weeks (14 days). if you wish to make any changes, i will redo them if you reach out to me within five days once you've received the graphics.

if you wish to request for graphics a second time from ataraxia, you can request after 40 days from the day you've received you're previous graphics (or you can reach out to me through private message and i'll have you added to a waiting list)

- i am also putting the 'artistic' moodboard option on hold for at least three months starting from December 2023 (they take up at least two hours to be done :'>)

i know that's a lot of changes and a lot of words to read and go through, and i'm genuinely sorry for anyone who's been looking forward to request graphics bundles. hopefully i can bring them back after three months :D

i'd also like to apologise for the delay in finishing the currently pending requests, the last month had been quite hectic and i'm still working on them but since all of them are bundles, it's taking forever. i'm doing my best to finish them before December 15th, so hopefully you'll receive them within the following couple of weeks.

with that, i'd like to shorten this announcement (why does that sound so formal oml-) wishing you all a blessed and amazing week ahead ♡︎

thank you for your love and support, as always. and see you soon! <3


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