Chapter 2

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As the day unfolded, Arohi plunged into her extended shifts, seamlessly moving from one patient to another. Daylight melted into the night, and the hospital corridors echoed with the hushed whispers of medical staff exchanging updates.

The lack of sleep and nourishment began to take its toll on Arohi. Fatigue weighed down her shoulders, and she felt a persistent lightheadedness. Each step became a deliberate effort, yet she pressed on, determined to prove her dedication.

In the midst of this struggle, the nurses' station became an inadvertent stage for gossip.

Nurse 1: Did you hear about Dr. Arohi? Her engagement with Dr. Birla is off.

Nurse 2: Really? What happened?

Nurse 1: I don't know, but people are saying it's her fault. Dr. Birla is such a catch, a perfect gentleman. It must be something she did.

These words, exchanged carelessly, reached Arohi's ears like a relentless storm. Her heart sank as she overheard the whispers painting her as the antagonist in the story of her own life.

Neil,who was passing by heard this exchange of conversation.  He looked at Arohi. He noticed the change in her demeanor. As if attempting to shield herself from the gossip, she focused on the patient charts, her hands shaking slightly. He felt bad for her. He approached her.

Neil : Arohi are you OK?

Arohi, fighting back tears, nodded but couldn't mask the turmoil in her eyes. She walked off from there.

As Arohi navigated the hospital corridors, lost in the tempest of her emotions, she collided with an unexpected force. Files flew like startled birds, their pages rustling through the air. She closed her eyes in the fear of touching ground. But a strong hand snaked around her waist. Abhimanyu, in an unguarded moment, pulled her close, creating a cocoon of shared surprise.

Abhimanyu felt an unexpected proximity, realizing how close Arohi was. Her eyes were tightly shut in fear, and Abhimanyu found himself captivated by the fragile form in his arms. As she slowly opened her eyes, a fleeting yet intense gaze locked between them. Arohi's breath hitched, caught in the intensity of his gaze.

Reality snapped back when both of them realized the closeness they shared. Abhimanyu, clearing his throat, swiftly released his grip, creating a sudden, tangible distance.

Abhimanyu: Watch where you're going, Arohi! Can't you walk properly?

His words, sharp and accusatory, cut through the unexpected tenderness of the moment.  She just nodded and walked away not wanting to pull any argument.

As she moved away, it struck him—Arohi looked exhausted, bearing the weight not only of the scattered files but also the burden of an overwhelming workload. The realization tugged at his conscience, softening his heart, making him want to retract his sharp words. The words lingered on the tip of his tongue, urging him to call her back, to tell her to take a break or even go home. However, his ego, a formidable barrier, held him back.

He mentally smacked him.. And reminded himself how she lied to him and wanted to marry him by making him in dark. And thereby brushing away the softer version he went to home.

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