The party

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Aj and I just finished setting up her house for the party but right now we're upstairs in her room getting ready, we're both doing our makeup. "I brought two outfits because I couldn't decide and I need your help" I told her "show me what you brought" she said so I stood up and walked over to my bag and pulled out the two outfits, one outfit was a pair of ripped jeans with black boots and a corset top and the other is, a mini skirt with a bralette with a black see through top and a pair of tights and boots "Oh definitely the mini skirt outfit" Aj told me and I nodded "Thank you" I said then I went into the bathroom and got changed, this is what it looks like:

 "I brought two outfits because I couldn't decide and I need your help" I told her "show me what you brought" she said so I stood up and walked over to my bag and pulled out the two outfits, one outfit was a pair of ripped jeans with black boots a...

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(She's wearing black boots)

When I was done getting dressed I walked out of the bathroom and seen Aj was dressed too, we took a few selfies "Phil is so going to flip when he sees you" Aj told me and I smacked her shoulder gently "Stop" I groaned and she cackled at me "I forgot perfume can I borrow some of yours please" I asked and she nodded so I walked over to her perfume and looked at the scents she had, I picked up the vanilla one and sprayed it behind my ears and on my neck and my wrists then eventually all over my body.

Just about everyone is here, Aj smirked at me from across the kitchen then she pointed to the door and I seen Phil walk in "Guys don't freak out and don't even think about making a scene but Phil is here" I told the three boys "What? Why is he here?" Colby asked "Aj invited him" I told him "Just please try at least be civil, I don't want you guys making a scene at Aj's party" I told them "Alright we'll just stay away from him" Jon said and I smiled at him "Thank you" I said then walked away from them and made my way over to Aj.

"Are you interested in a game of truth or dare?" Aj asked me and I nodded and I downed my drink "Yes" I replied then made my way to the refrigerator to get a new drink "Alright everyone who's interested in playing a game of truth or dare sit at the table if you don't wanna play you can stand around the table and watch" Aj announced but pretty much everyone sat at the table, I sat beside Aj, the three boys were sitting at the end of the table and Phil was sitting directly in front of me "Just letting everyone know that I'm winning this game because I'll do pretty much anything" I told everyone who's sitting at the table and they chuckled "She's not lying I don't think you've ever lost have you?" Aj asked me and I shook my head, I don't care what anyone thinks about me that's why I've never lost "Alright Aj you ask first" I said and took a sip of my drink, "Alright...Phil truth or dare?" Aj asked "Truth" he replied "Alright, who at this table do you find more attractive than others" Aj asked and I kicked her foot under the table and she chuckled, Phil looked around the table then his eyes landed on.. me? "Amy" he replied then took a sip of his drink, I looked down and seen Colby glaring at him, Jon and Joe were looking at me smiling "Alright it's your turn to ask" Aj told him "Alright" he said then he dared one of his friends to kiss whoever they found attractive and his friend ended up kissing Aj and I smiled at how giddy she was afterwards.

Eventually everyone was dared then it was Aj's turn to ask again and she looked at me with a mischievous grin "Amy truth or dare" she asked "Dare" I replied "I dare you to lick someone's face" she said so I grabbed her face and turned her to look forward, I glanced at Phil subtly to see he was already staring at me and I smirked then I licked Aj's face and she giggled "Aj where's your bathroom?" Phil asked as he stood up "Down that hall and to the right" she pointed, he thanked her then he went to the bathroom.

We ended the game because it was getting boring. I went to the bathroom and went toilet then I pulled my bralette down a little because it was too high up for my liking, I fixed my hair then left the bathroom, I heard shouting so I walked quickly back to the kitchen and seen Colby and Phil going at it, great, the one thing I asked him to do was ignore Phil but here we are "What's wrong?" I asked Aj "Colby started it" she told me and I huffed "I'm so sorry" I said then pushed past the people crowding them and stood between Phil and Colby "Colby" I shouted which caused him to look down at me "Go out to the backyard now, Jon, Joe go with him" I said sternly "Yeah listen to your boss" Phil said so I put my hand on his stomach and pushed him up against the wall behind him and he looked taken aback, I gave him a stern look and he raised his hands in surrender "Don't, because I will call him back in here and I don't think you want that" I said while getting as close as I could to his face "You really know how to turn me on don't you" he said which caught me off guard "Maybe that was my plan" I said and backed away from him "Go to the front yard" I said and he shook his head no "Phil, now" I said and pointed to the front door "Make me" he said with a cocky smirk so I decided to give him what he wants, I grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back and I grabbed his shoulder and I walked him to the front door, I opened the door then I walked Phil outside and I shut the door behind us and I let go while gently pushing him away from me "You are just feeding all my fantasy's tonight" he said as he held his elbow in pain "I'm normally the one in control but when it comes to you, I don't mind stepping down and letting you take charge" Phil said and I smirked and crossed my arms and leaned against the wall "Phil you got yourself a boner" I told him "I'm aware" he said but made no effort to cover it and I chuckled "Why don't you tell me what happened?" I asked him "I already told you, you're feedi-.." he started but I cut over him "About the argument Phil" I said and he nodded "In all fairness your boy started it, he came over and bumped into me then he blamed me saying that I need to watch where I'm going but I wasn't gonna let him walk all over me so I stood up for myself, I wasn't even shouting, he was the one shouting" He told me, he let out a low moan and I furrowed my eyebrows at him "You good?" I asked while walking over to him "Yep, yeah, just replaying everything that happened after the argument" he told me which made me blush "Why are you so horny" I asked "For starters, you got me like this so you can't blame me" he told me "Why don't you go to the bathroom and sort yourself out before anyone sees" I suggested "You should come with me" he said with a wink "In your dreams" I said and opened the front door and Phil hid his lower half behind me, I walked him to the bathroom and I gently pushed him into the bathroom "You sure you don't wanna join me?" He asked and I chuckled while shaking my head "I'm sure" I said "Have fun... I guess" I said then walked away knowing damn well that he's watching.

I made my way out to the backyard and seen Colby sitting down on the swinging chair so I walked over and sat beside him "Why? Colby I asked you to do one thing, one simple thing, to ignore him, why did you start on him?" I asked in a soft tone. He stared blankly at the grass and he sighed "I don't know, I'm sorry, I just got angry alright? He angers me alright?" He told me "Colby you need to stop letting him get to you, seriously, do you think he's even thinking about the argument right now?" I asked him and he shook his head "Exactly, I want you to go in there and forget about him, you're here to have fun alright?" I asked and he nodded his head "Sorry for shouting at you by the way" I apologized "No it's fine, I probably wouldn't have listened to you if you didn't" he said and I laughed.

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