Teenagers Make My Head (Heart) Hurt

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"Due to the lack of reactions from the overexerted-" Aizawa rambled on, his words somewhat slurring together. He floated across the blackboard, quite literally considering how lightheaded he felt.

"Sensei?" Ashido called.

He turned to her with a soft hum.

"I don't think I understood even half of what you said." She was rubbing the back of her neck sheepishly as many of the other students agreed with her statement. He noticed how she relaxed.

Bakugou growled slightly. "Then pay closer attention."

"I'm pretty sure the only reason you understood any of that is because you grew up with me," Midoriya says with a chuckle, and as wrong as it sounds to Shota, the kid is relaxed.

The phrase can be taken in more ways than just one after all. So if you know, you know.

Aizawa sighs and puts the chalk down. He rubs his clean hand down his face as he speaks. "Five-minute break. Go drink water or whatever."

He slumped into his chair and started rummaging through the drawers. To be fair, he knew exactly what was wrong. His blood sugar was dropping.

Luckily he manages to find a couple of pill bottles and jelly pouches. Upon further investigation, he finds the ones containing protein. Many wonder why he's always got a pouch of some sort permanently glued to his lips but very (very) few are graced with an answer.

The protein pouches are generally so he can get a base level of nutrients while the jelly pouches keep his blood sugar from dropping too far. Shota can't eat without throwing it all backup. It wasn't his fault, even when he felt guilty from time to time.

It's just how he was raised. And oh, fuck doesn't that make his heart physically ache. 

Either way, he also has an assortment of pills. Some slow his metabolism because it's far too high considering how little he eats. And some help with his constant migraines, or whatever the fuck else is wrong with him.

He's pretty sure his doctor managed to sneak in a few for anxiety or depression. Maybe even ADHD but Shota doubts he'd have gotten away with that much.

He's grateful. When he does take the ones he's got stuffed up in here he feels more relaxed. Only a few of them are regular and the rest come and go as you need. But if he takes too much then the withdrawal hits him like a damned truck.

He downs the pills, then eats the contents of the pouches and stares at the student. He's floating between consciousness and unconsciousness but logically he knows he's just zoning out.

A sneeze brings him out of his trance and he stands up, walking to the podium. "Do you all remember the safety procedure if a teacher passes out?" He grumbles the question as if it caused him more harm than anything in his life.

The students glance at each other, nodding, and Iida almost jumps out of his seat to answer. "Don't panic and send someone for Recovery Girl while checking for any major injuries. If need to, we may move them into a better position but mustn't move an injured person any more than required."

Shota nods. "That's the general rule."

Iida's brows furrow. "General?"

"Most of my students would know by now that if I pass out to simply continue with their assignments until I wake up." He groans it out as though it were something he'd reminded them constantly, the guilt should overweigh the concern.

"But sir-"

Aizawa raises his hand, a scarred palm coming into view and he briefly remembers one of the reasons his hero costume used to include gloves. "I have a condition which causes me to lose consciousness at random intervals. Recovery Girl is aware of it-" She isn't- "so she'd just tell you to leave me be either way."

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