Going Clubbing

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(Thank you for 108 followers and from this chapter till the end of the book I'll be using the titles from the manga)

The very next day after Yukari Sendo had confessed her love for Issei she had come down with the flu and couldn't make it to school today because of it and Issei, Moka and Kurumu promised to visit the little witch when she got better.

The Morning.

Issei was walking with Moka when she suddenly bit his neck and after she sucked his blood for six and a half minutes and he noticed that it had become difficult for her to jump up to his height resulting him to bend his knees a bit and he had to walk with a bit of a cramp. To him, Moka sucking his blood doesn't bend his sexual desires which means, he doesn't have a"kink"and the two walked to the Academy.

Issei knew that it's already been a whole month since he's been to Yokai Academy and a whole month being the most powerful monster in the Academy.


Miss. Nekonome arrived and said that she had an announcement to make.

Miss Nekonome: The goal of this academy of this academy is to teach monsters to coexist with human society. It's time to bring that to the next level! Starting today ... You will join a club!

The class was silent and the only sound that came after the announcement was from Issei.

Issei: Huh? Oh yeah clubs...

Issei had a downcast face when the word "club was mentioned.

Ddraig: Boy... You're still thinking about them...?

Issei: (Sigh) Yeah but let's leave them behind... there's no going back now!

Ddraig could see that his host was a bit sad about losing his life to the Mut, Fenrir but what could you do against a God killing dog.

Miss Nekonome looked towards Issei and she knocked him out of his thoughts and class continued.

Miss Nekonome: There's no better way to understand human thinking than by participating in human sports and hobbies. Plus you'll get so much better physical transformation by having to keep your human forms during different activities!

??? male: Um... Sensei...?

Miss Nekonome looked at the student who called her out.

Miss Nekonome: Yes!

The male pointed at Miss Nekonome, laughing.

??? male: Then what club did you learn to keep your human form at?

Miss Nekonome looked and saw that her tail was twitching and the students exclaimed that it was the first time they saw her tail. In response to this Miss Nekonome meowed and hissed and
began to claw the student's face in embarrassment shocking the class and hides her twitching tail with a notepad.

The student walked to his desk while in pain holding his clawed up face.

Miss Nekonome:  Now. Any more questions about club participation?

The class was silent.

Miss Nekonome: Excellent! Then look over the list of clubs available and pick one that suits you!

Later on

The halls of the academy were full of students looking to join a club as banners, pictures and other things that showed what the club does and offers to anyone who joins them

Issei looked at the hall with amazement as this amount of excitement to join a club never happened in Kuoh Academy.

Chatting and Yammering came from the students who discussed in groups or individually about the different clubs that varied.

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