Chapter 2: Dreams and Reality

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Arita's life unfolds in a rhythmic dance between the walls of home and the echoing halls of her college. Her reluctance to forge close bonds with classmates is a defense mechanism, a response to past wounds inflicted by those who feigned friendship but whispered betrayal behind her back. The judgments she faced about her appearance have driven her to a self-imposed isolation, and to escape the harsh light of reality, she retreats into the comforting embrace of movies and dramas. These fictional worlds, rich with dynamic characters and compelling narratives, become her sanctuary, shielding her from the monotony of her everyday existence.

In the ethereal landscapes of her dreams, Arita sheds the limitations of her waking self. Here, she is reborn-radiant, brave, and wrapped in an aura of confidence that eludes her in reality. Her dreams are often an exploration of superpowers, a canvas on which she paints herself as the hero, wielding abilities beyond the grasp of her waking life. A vivid daydreamer, her subconscious mind takes her on fantastical journeys where she is the architect of her own empowerment.

One ordinary day, as she wearily commutes home on a crowded bus, fatigue claims her, lulling her into a restless sleep. As her consciousness surrenders to slumber, she finds herself once again thrust into the fantastical realm of her dreams. Here, she faces off against otherworldly creatures, her dreams weaving tales of superhuman battles. In one such dream, a mysterious wolf, its eyes aglow, becomes a focal point. Their eyes lock, and a struggle ensues. Arita, driven by a surge of courage, manages to conquer the creature. Yet, in the midst of the conflict, she notices a peculiar pendant around the wolf's neck-green and adorned with a mesmerizing, revolving element. The abrupt jolt of the bus interrupts her pursuit of this mystery and upon awakening, Arita feels an uneasy sensation on her neck. Dismissing it as a mere mosquito bite, she attributes the discomfort to an insect encounter during her slumber.

Returning home, Arita's mother, a beacon of familiarity, inquires about her day.

"Hi, sweetheart. How was your day at college?" her mother asks. Arita, with a mix of hesitation and confusion, replies, "Oh, you know, the usual. Nothing much happening."

The discomfort in her neck persists, prompting her retreat to the sanctuary of her room. Arita stands before the mirror, she discovers the bitten area inflamed and crimson. She applies ointment in the hope of a swift recovery but she remains unaware that this seemingly innocuous bite will unravel unforeseen events.

As the night descends, Arita's dreams take a darker turn. A pack of wolves howls, drawing nearer. Suddenly, a wolf leaps at her, jolting her awake. Fear widens her eyes, sweat beads on her face, and her breath quickens. Seeking solace, she heads to the kitchen for water. Within the dimly lit space, a mysterious figure looms outside the window. Trembling hands open the window to reveal an unexpected visitor-a cat emitting plaintive meows.

After shooing away the feline, Arita attempts to reassure herself that her fears are mere figments of her imagination.

"Sleep, Arita... sleep. It's all in your head." she murmurs, unaware of the shadow that silently watches from outside her room, an ominous presence waiting to reveal itself in the chapters yet to unfold.

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