29. Not the end of the world.

Começar do início


Cassie swallowed.

"Brad has been coming around every day since I moved out, begging me to come back."

Lisa stared back at her, her eyes wide with surprise.


"He's is really sorry, and he has been really persistent, " Cassie shrugged her shoulders apologetic.

Lisa pursed her mouth, looking grim.

"You are not seriously thinking of going back to that scumbag are you?"

Cassie's eyes turned down into her lap.

"I am all alone Lisa. Billy made it pretty clear to me what he thinks about me, and Brad is still my husband."

Instantly Lisa held her hand up and waved it around frantically.

"Now you just hold it there. Stop it, stop it, stop it, " she blurted out.

"He is, " Cassie quickly said to her own defense, "we ARE still married, you know."

"Not that, " Lisa dramatically dismissed that fact with another wave of her arm, "I want to know about Billy. What did he make clear to you? What did he tell you?"

Remembering the harsh words from Billy, Cassie could feel tears burn in her eyes and she had to look away as to not show Lisa.

She had been married to Brad seemingly like forever, and she had never once been unfaithful to him . . . until Billy came along like a freight train and swept her off her feet.

She had tried her best NOT to fall for him, but he had been like a force of nature, making it impossible.

Of course she had fallen for him, the magical and top of the chart, crazy good, sex he had shown and given to her, as well as all the tender and loving words spoken to her in the heat of the moment , had made that a fact. She had fallen like a ton of bricks.

So when she had allowed Brad to do what he had done that 'ONE' time, weeks after she had come back from the cabin, it had made her feel like she had been unfaithful to Billy. With her own husband for crying out loud.

She swallowed and bit her lip slightly.

"He basically told me I was a slut who couldn't keep her panties on."

After one spontaneous laugh, Lisa gave her a scowl and shook her head.

"God, you are so naive girl."

Cassie made huge eyes. Lisa thought so too?

"What? I am?" Really, she had no clue. After have being married to Brad 'like forever' she felt like the most inexperienced girl in the world.

"He's a biker, right?" Lisa asked.

Cassie gave her a lame nod.

"And a business associate of Theo?"

Cassie nodded again.

"Doesn't that tell you anything girl?" Lisa was astounded.

It tells me more than you want to know, Cassie thought and held her breath for a second as she was about to lie.

"No, I have no idea."

Giving her a scrutinizing look, Lisa leaned her head to the side.

"Suuuuure." Was Cassie really taking her for a fool?

Rolling her eyes, Lisa sighed loudly.

"You know as well as I do that that is not true."

Cassie gulped nervously and she started to chew a little on her lower lip.

Adult EducationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora