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Min-young drank the water Myung-dae offered her. She chugged it down, clearly annoyed or maybe a little offended. Probably both.

"Fuck it."

She said, glaring daggers at a laughing Yoo Tae-shik.
Nevermind, she felt irritated and angry. Similiar yet completely different emotions.

Myung-dae was helping Min-young place the weapons back in the shed. She huffed and sighed many times, until Myung-dae stopped her and turned her to him. 

"Calm down Min-young"

He chuckled, ruffling her new loose wolf cut. She looked absolutely breath-taking in his eyes. She rolled her eyes and threw the chains onto the chain pile. 

"How can I calm down? That menace fucking has a self-duplication power and couldn't even hear him come at me!"


Just as Min-young was about to land a harsh tap on Tae-shik's shoulder blade, she felt something poking her on the back. She widened her eyes and immediately saw another Yoo Tae-shik, exactly the same as the one in front of her. She was about to yell out when the king interrupted with applause and appreciation.

"Bravo! Bravo Yoo Tae-shik! You certainly never disappoint me, my friend."

He walked over to his beaming friend who was back in one body now. Min-young kept looking at him, more like a 'what the fuck' glare. He excused himself from the king and went over to Ha-yoon and Hye-ri who were talking to Min-young. When they saw the Duke they bowed, he was still at an extremely high position. He smiled at them and said,

"Lee Min-young. You're the fastest, most agile person I've met. You've met all the requirements of an assassin.."

Min-young chuckled, nodding at him.

"Thankyou Mr. Yoo"

He smirked, walking right up, shoulder to shoulder with her and whispered

"You looked really hot while fighting too."

Min-young's eyes widened slightly as she looked up to meet his eyes. he was taller than her, roughly around 5'11 while Min-young was 5'7. 
He chuckled, walking away, bumping into Myung-dae on his way.

Myung-dae bowed and apologized to his walking figure and then rolled his eyes. He saw Min-young huffing and getting the weapons. He walked over to her and stuck out his hand, giving her a water bottle. She looked at it and then at him, smiling as she took it, chugging it quickly.


Min-young was ranting about random stuff when all Myung-dae could think of was how hot she looked while fighting. Well even if his eyes couldn't catch up to her movements, the time she was standing, panting and catching her breath, everything clouded his mind and he couldn't help but glance at her lips. The way she slightly pouted while still ranting only fed his thoughts. She stopped, feeling his gaze.

Min-young smirked which snapped Myung-dae from his previous thoughts. He gulped and looked away, blushing a little. She chuckled and grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him closer to her, his hands placed on the wall for balance which trapped Min-young. She looked into his eyes and he looked back, smirking too. Just as he was about to lean in, Min-young pushed him, and held him there, out of reach. He groaned while Min-young just smirked and said, in a teasing voice.

"What do you want Kim Myung-dae?"

Myung-dae looked at her, his expression only made Min-young chuckle as she tilted her head, waiting for an answer. She wanted him to say that he wanted to kiss her.

Just then there was a loud bang, and the door flew open, with Ha-yoon and Hye-ri revealed. They felt the tension in the air until Hye-ri said,

"Umm Sorry to interrupt you both but Min-young we need to go? Our night shift?"

Min-young remembered they were given alternate days with alternate timing to guard the queen, even tho she never really needed so much of protecting. She nodded, walking away with them. She winked at Myung-dae who stood there, annoyed of the interruption. He sighed and got out, going back to his house.


Tae-mi was sleeping after her turn for staying up. Yun-ho was the only one awake until Ji-han woke up too, sitting up.

"Morning hyung"

He said, sharpening his daggers. Ji-han hummed and reached for his bottle when he noticed something. It was a familiar pendant, he had seen. He frowned. It was a little muddy and so poured a little water, washing it off. He saw it clearly and still had no clue where he had seen it. He just shrugged and kept it with him and stood up, checking up on the horses.

Yun-ho decided to wake Tae-mi while Ji-han got everything ready for the journey ahead. He walked over to her, kneeling down and leaned in, whispering in her ear,

"Tae-mi, wake up. We need to leave"

She whined and turned away from the voice. Yun-ho chuckled and started tickling her. 


She cried out, laughing and backing away from him. She stood up, wobbly. He laughed and stood up too, smacking her head. She growled and punched his chest. He fake groaned to which Tae-mi rolled her eyes. Ji-han suddenly came over, and said,

"Goddamn you both gave me a heart attack"

Yun-ho cocked a brow in confusion. Ji-han smirked cheekily and said,

"I thought something was going on until I heard Tae-mi laugh but still man, we need her to walk if we moving on to the village."

He laughed as Yun-ho chased him around the tree. Tae-mi stood, blushing a little at his statement. She then snapped back and stormed towards them. 

"Let's go guys, the sooner we get there, the better"

The two laughing boys turned to her, nodding understandingly. 


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