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Min-young widened her eyes as she realized the name she heard. She looked at her friends with a shocked face..

"What happened?"

Hyun-bae asked, noticing Min-young's expression, catching everyone's attention. 

"Can uhh.."

She hesitated, intriguing her friends more. They turned all their attention to her..

"What is it?"

Ha-yoon asked, Min-young looked at her dead in the eye and said

"Can you tell me the names of our friends? ALL our friends"

Min-young said, wanting to confirm her suspicion.. Ha-yoon was confused, but still said

"Shin Hyun-bae, Lim Hye-ri, Lee Min-young, Kang Tae-mi, Park Eun-cha and me Choi Ha-yoon"

Min-young gasped and stood up, 


Him-chan laughed, pulling the dagger out swiftly as he saw that one of his men and Eun-cha were not in the scene anymore.. He turned to Tae-mi and said

"Let's continue next time we meet sweetheart"

He chuckled, throwing his other knife at her leg, injuring her..


Tae-mi yelled out, pulling the dagger from her shoulder and leg both out, glaring at Him-chan who was now in-front of Ji-han..

"Let's see if you can save at least your petty friend"

He said in a taunting way, making Ji-han widen his eyes, he stabbed the guy who was holding him down and glared into Him-chan's soul,

"Oh no you're not gonna escape death now Him-chan"

He said, gritting his teeth.. But Him-chan only laughed and before Ji-han had the chance to even move his hand, Him-chan and his men disappeared.. Ji-han yelled in frustration.. Yun-ho ran over to Tae-mi and saw her tying a piece or ripped cloth around her leg to stop the bleeding. He knelt down, trying to heal it.. Tae-mi saw what he was trying to do and smiled a little but her smile immediately faded when she realized her best friend was nowhere to be seen.. She shot her head towards Ji-han who was looking at something in the bushes.. He pulled his sword out, seeing movement.. 


He yelled, moving closer.. The four stepped out into the daylight and there was a staring contest..

"Who are you guys? What are you doing in the forest?!"

Yun-ho asked, still healing Tae-mi's leg, a faint golden glow appearing on the wound meaning it was healing fast..

"A-are you Kang Tae-mi?"

One of the four asked shakily, pointing to Tae-mi who just nodded, puzzled about how they knew her name and why they weren't attacking.. Yun-ho finished healing Tae-mi's leg and was about to start with her shoulder when he realized the four girls were tear-stricken.. 

"Why on earth are you all crying?! Is it because of the weapons?"

He asked, surprised.. Tae-mi tilted her head in confusion looking at the girls who were just standing there in shock, sucking the information in.. One of the girls finally regained her composure, running to Tae-mi and hugging her tight, the others slowly joined in, squeezing a now very puzzled Tae-mi.. Yun-ho was about to push them off but Tae-mi signaled him not to..

"Who are you four and why the heck are you hugging me?!"

Tae-mi asked, gently pushing them all off.. One of the girls sobbed and said

"I'm Ha-yoon! And Min-young, Hye-ri and Hyun-bae!"

--At Him-chan's clan's village--

Him-chan was now circling around a bruised Eun-cha who was glaring at him.. 

"I asked you a question"

He said, kneeling down to her height. She spat on his face to which he drew a dagger, stabbing her in the leg. Eun-cha groaned, Him-chan stood up and locked the door, leaving her in the dark, bruised up..

"What happened? Did you find Ji-han?"

Him-chan scoffed, throwing his scabbard into the corner and looked at the man with fiery eyes.

"I got his friend, he has to come now"

He walked away, leaving the man alone.. 


Tae-mi froze with her eyes widened as she heard Ha-yoon introduce her childhood friends.. She pointed to them all and said

"You all have grown up so much!"

She said, cracking a smile and hugging her friends properly now. They all pulled out when Yun-ho interrupted

"I'm sorry to interrupt but uhh i need someone to fill me in"

He said, confused about what is happening. Tae-mi chuckled and said

"Remember the friends I used to talk about? These four are them"

She said with a wide smile, pointing to the four girls who waved at both the boys.. Yun-ho smiled and said

"I'm Song Yun-ho and this is Sung Ji-han"

Ji-han bowed at them followed by Yun-ho.. Min-young suddenly remembered what she heard and quickly asked

"Where is Eun-cha?!"


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