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Eun-cha coughed up blood as she felt another kick in the stomach, waking her up from her slumber. Sometimes she hates it, but sometimes she feels relieved to be woken up from nightmares.. She groaned out, opening her eyes. She squinted them to see four men with one man who looked like he was the one who woke her up.. Her eyes blurred, trying to adjust to the bright light shining on her. She realized she wasn't in the dark hut anymore. She quickly woke up from her groggy state but was chained up.. The man in the middle left her there, the four guys surrounded her.
She sighed, but suddenly got confused.. Out of all the days she was captured, they only brought her out today. 

-- Why?


Hyun-bae was just strolling along the palace gardens, taking in the scenery around her. She had a break, so she wanted to make the most of it. Suddenly, she heard a rustle in the bush. She snapped her head toward the sound, drawing her arrow and crossbow. She saw a man, wearing completely different clothes. It was black and instead of a robe, it was a different type of material. Puzzled with the man's clothes and accessories, she took a step closer, not letting her guard down. The man looked at her with a gaze she knew too well..  Despair.

"Who are you? What the hell are you wearing?"

She asked, cautiously keeping her weapons back, but still enough for her to draw them out and shoot if needed. The man came closer and said,

"Who I am doesn't matter, what matters is where I'm from and where you are going."

Hyun-bae looked at him, puzzled at what he said.

"I know I showed up out of the blue and I'm a stranger to you, but the truth is, I know you very well."

Hyun-bae didn't buy it, clutching her crossbow and walking away from the strange man. 


he yelled out to her. She stopped, not turning back. The man came up to her and said,

"Please. Hear me out. Help me"

He emphasized. It intrigued her. She turned to look at him and widened her eyes seeing tears glistening in his eyes. 

"What do you mean 'help me'?"

The man wiped his tears before they fell and said, his voice cracking a little bit.

"It's a lot to explain, I want to meet up at a different spot and different time."

Hyun-bae nodded understandingly. She was about to walk away again when the man said,

"Please let us be the only ones knowing. Not even your friends. it's them we'll be talking about."

Just as Hyun-bae was about to react, He sprinted off, onto a path into the forest. She shrugged and went back to queen's chamber for her shift.


Hyun-bae was just chilling with her friends out in the garden behind the castle. The queen allowed them to visit her personal gardens as well.

Min-young and Hye-ri were play-fighting, Ha-yoon joining in sometimes.. Hyun-bae looked at them, smiling at their goofiness and stood up to dance with them.. They were being silly, randomly chasing each other and sometimes Hye-ri caught them off guard with her sudden gusts of wind. They laughed it off.. It was the time they enjoyed, the four of them together.. Hyun-bae then saw a familiar head peek from the bushes. She had the best eye-sight out of the four and knew exactly who it was. She stood up, dusted herself and walked up to her friends.

"Hey guys? I'm going to go home now, my parents would be waiting for me, I haven't seen them in while."

They had been living in the separate rooms near the castle for the time-being. Two in each cottage.
They all waved her a goodbye and she left, looking for the man she saw. She finally found him standing at the same place she first saw him. He wore different clothes, they type other higher-authority men wore. He smiled softly at her, which she returned.

"You have pretty good eyesight. I was worried you wouldn't be able to see me"

He let out a chuckle, to which Hyun-bae reacted with a laugh and a small thankyou. They walked down into town where the man led Hyun-bae to what seemed like his house. She cautiously stepped in, following him quietly. They sat down, the man going over and brought a glass of water for Hyun-bae.

"I'm Lim Kwang-so. And no, I'm not from around here. I'm from the future."


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