Chapter 1

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(The first few chapters are more like introductory chapters rather than actual chapters and are gonna be buffed up -more detailed- when revised :D)


As I woke up, I felt my head pounding. My body felt heavy; and sore. So sore.. I got up from the beat-up couch and stretched, feeling a satisfying-but-not-so-satisfying 'pop' from my back.

Jesus fucking christ my head hurts..

"Damn..." I ran my hand through my greasy hair, trying my best not to cringe at the feeling. I felt a large groan escape my mouth, My legs sore and my breathing shallow.

"You look like shit. This is why you need to stop drinking, Simon."

I looked at him frustratedly.

"The hell's up your ass this morning, Eric.." I retorted, mimicking his tone.

My neat, open-minded; and frankly annoying as shit- roommate complained. "Get a life, Simon. Stop being a freeloader and maybe I'll consider having a better attitude towards you." "Sorry, you know I can't.." I said sarcastically. He rolled his eyes. "Then at least don't fall asleep on our front porch.. I'm not dragging your heavy ass up those stairs again.." 

"wow, you think my ass is heavy? Thanks."

 I rolled my eyes and the feeling of sudden realization and memories of last night rushed back to me. Wow- I really do need to stop drinking. I frowned and looked up at him awkwardly, recalling his comment from before.

"Oh.. That's what happened.."

I cursed myself internally as I looked up at him. I felt guilty- but I would never tell him that. He doesn't deserve my respect nor my attention.

he stood there with a disappointed expression on his face. "What the hell Simon! You need to get a job! Listen, I love you, but you have got to start paying your end of the rent!" he sighed, rubbing his temple.

I scowled.

"Aw- you love me. Y'know it really shows when you yell at me to get a job and urge me to stop drinking. Just because I have problems doesn't mean I'm stupid. I already know I need to do more than be a 'useless freeloader'. I don't need shit from you." I said sarcastically, a more serious undertone this time.

He stared at me blankly, frowning. 

The feeling of something being forgotten slowly coming to me. "Oh shit. I have an interview today..! Eric, what time is it?" I tried to let my anger go as I panicked a little. He pulled out his phone and squinted.

"It's 8:00." he said, looking at me condescendingly.

That look made me angry. So fucking ballistic..

"You're not better than me, Eric. The least you could do is pretend to care.."

"Why should I? You're just going to do this all over again. I really do want to help, Simon. I know I sound like I don't care; but I really do."

I was angry- I wanted to say something. Everything he said was bullshit and we both knew that. "Fuck yo-''  I tried to calm myself down- and a feeling of panic suddenly hit me, remembering I still have an interview to go to. I rushed up the stairs to get ready for my interview, I quickly dressed myself, my toothbrush hanging out of my mouth as I slid my shirt on. I tried to check myself in the mirror, having to once over and still failing due to my absolutely wretched vision.


"Find them yourself.." he grumbled.

My frustration was clear, my head pounded and I panicked more, trying to find my glasses. That's was until Eric appeared in front of me, handing me my glasses. "Thanks.." I mumbled.

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