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As girl with white hair and green eyes flies over Jump City as her stomachs starts to grumble. She sighs before flying down in a dark corner making her feet come back and transforms into a girl with blonde hair and blue walking down the street. With a sigh asks, "Wonder if a pizza place is still open at this time of night."

Just for a bunch of people to scream and run in terror making the girl say, "Great just my luck..."

She sighs yelling, "Well! What they heck!"

The blonde goes to the same corner again before as her hair changed to white again before taking off to the sky with no feet and the source of the people screams. Only to come to a red haired girl smashing into the pavement is a very large crater emitting thick clouds of glowing green smoke, the crash site of whatever just buzzed the block.

"Um..." Lucy thought staring the scene as many run screaming.

The red haired stranger starts screaming at the screaming people, "Slopforn ivortmat! Slopforn! Ond gudshik zerrole!"

Making her fly standing her her way telling the angry girl, "Um... So no one can understand you. If you'd stop so we can..."

Only foe the strange girl using her hands that are cuffed to hit her way. It sent the white haired girl onto a store and she got up saying, "Ok, so being nice isn't going to work..."

She turned to the girl with a growl just for a fellow trying to hold his camera straight and take a picture; when the shutter clicks and the flash goes off, she recoils from the glare with eyes squeezed shut. A moment later, she reopens them, still blazing as strongly as ever, and starts swinging her arms every which way with a fresh yell.

He starts to back up as the strange girl attention was now on him. Just for white gained girl get back only to see he opponent was going to attack the man. She gasphed and flew at him and grabbed him disapping from view just as the red head went to strike landing on nothing.

She looked around for them pounds the pavement hard enough to put a pothole in it, and an overhead shot of the area shows everyone now breaking for cover. In a far away distance she reappeared letting the man go who screamed running away.

"OK, Lucy what would you famil... No, scratch that! She's not a ghost..." the white haired girl said with a sigh watching her from a far.

She looked to see her go back at ground level, the shackled newcomer charges, a yell, a flash, and she has rendered an unfortunate taxi fit for the junkyard with one blow. Other strikes ruin a bank of pay phones, a bench, and a streetlight or two, and several pizza joint customers stare from the relative safety of the second-floor balcony as it trembles under their feet.

When the assault finally stops, she stands quietly amid the havoc she has just wreaked in this end of Jump City. Next, she lifts her arms and strains to pull them apart, but with no luck. Evidently, she had no malicious intent, but was simply trying to get free of those enormous cuffs.

Lucy from her spot asked, "What are you doing."

After a moment's rest, she looks toward the front door of the pizza joint. There is a pillar here, supporting the leading tip of the balcony. She hurls herself at this and hits it hard enough to buckle and crack it; spectators at the railing can barely stay on their feet due to the resulting vibrations. Back to ground level, where the column's concrete outer layer has crumbled away to reveal the dented steel core, but the alien's bonds are still intact.

She swing at each word, "Zop! Yark! Mesnef!"

"Crap!" Lucy whispers to herself and turns invisible going to the top were people were.

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