baby 👶 added amelia

baby 👶 changed the group name to
roadmen🥷+ chav

wtf is this
why did i get added to
the england team gc

you're basically
one of us now



why didn't i get
a hello 😔

i just realised
why does it say chav
in the gc name

baby 👶
that wasn't me😅😅😅
seen by all


hi amelia
how are uu

hi jude
im good

im glad
fine btw
i wanted to ask u something


would u wanna go on a date
with me this sunday

i've been waiting for this

i take that as a yes
wear something casual

where are we going

im not telling u

stop i hate when u do this to me

i know u love me

atleast i wasn't shy to
talk to you
the first time we met

yes u were

okay fine u got me
liked by jude🫶🏻

amelia was wearing a basic tank top with some baggy jeans, and some light makeup, since jude told her to dress casual. soon he arrived at her house, and they started driving to the location.

they soon arrived at a beach, a small towel was placed on the sand, close to the water. "stop, this is so cute!" amelia gasped, then grasped his arm in awe.

jude was smiling cheekily, looking at her. "you told me you loved the beach, so i had to think of something."

amelia and jude sat on the towel, as they started talking about various stuff, laughing loudly, and also having some deep conversations.

they soon stood up, and started walking near the water. "look, theres a dolphin!" jude said, pointing into the ocean. "where?" amelia whipped her head over to the water, searching for the dolphin. jude quickly picked her up, dropping her into the water. "you dumbass, like theres a dolphin here." jude started laughing, while amelia was about to strangle him to death. "i'm gonna kill you." she said, as she started running after him.

amelia tried pushing him into the water, but kept failing cause of his strong grip on her arms. as he pushed her in the water again, amelia grabbed her leg in pain, as she landed on it, hurting it in the process.

jude's smile instantly faded, as he kneeled down to her. "holy shit, i'm sorry! are you okay?" he worriedly asked her. amelia smirked, as she pulled his body in the water, then quickly standing up. she started laughing, seeing jude's reaction.

"you idiot, i thought you actually got hurt!" jude replied to her, then giving her a small smile.
"i knew you would fall for it!" amelia smirked.

they spent the rest of their evening laughing, running around the beach like little kids, laughings their asses off, having the time of their lives.

both of their phones were in the car. while they were enjoying themselves, amelia's phone was going off like crazy.

15 missed calls by trent🤮


where the fuck are you
amelia reply
where did you go
im about to leave
the fucking house
and start searching for u
where the hell did u go
amelia answer me

as time passed, since they were at the beach for a long time, they decided to head home. "wait! let me take a picture of the sunset, it's so pretty!" amelia said, as they were about to get in the car. quickly grabbing her phone, she ran to the beach, taking a quick photo of the sunset.

as her phone was on do not disturb, she obviously didn't see all the messages trent sent her, and the amount of missed calls she had from him.

ameliaarnold posted a story!

soon, amelia arrived home, she thanked jude, as she hugged him tightly

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soon, amelia arrived home, she thanked jude, as she hugged him tightly. amelia started walking over to her home, with a towel draped over her, cause of her clothes literally being soaked.

as she entered the house, giggling, her smile instantly faded after seeing trent's expression.
"where the fuck were you?" he yelled at her.
"i've been worried sick for the last 3 hours. do you know the amount of messages i sent you? i called you twenty times! i thought something happened to you!"

"calm the hell down! i was out with jude. and since when were you this worried about me?" amelia yelled back at him, obviously not in the mood to fight with him.

"calm down? you were gone for three fucking hours. you could've atleast sent me a message that you were going somewhere?"

"like you tell me when you're going somewhere. trent be fucking serious, it's not that deep. it's not like i ran away?" amelia sighed walking over to her room, tired of trent.

amelia slammed her door, locking it, then opening her phone when she started texting jude.


i had a wonderful time today
literally the best day ever
just trent was a little pissed tho
didn't reply to his messages😬

loved it today
also holy shit
are y'all good 😭

yeah yeah
he's just kinds overreacting

everything was going well.
nothing could come in between them right?


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