Meeting someone new

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Mikey: yeah that is gross.

Blitz: Okay now what's the tea sis?

Loopty: The tea?

Moxxie: *weakly* guys.. help

Leo: Oh right guys come on.

The turtles run over and dig out their father from the rubble

Moxxie: Ugh thanks boys.

Mikey: No worries pops.

Blitz:Yeah why we killing this guy? I mean what did he do to you?

Loopty: He was my business partner! You see I wasn't always an old man!

Donnie: Are you gonna say something or?


Loopty:my partner Lyle (Donnie: Oh yeah just cut me off) and I ran lyle- loopty robotics a technological empire, earlier today we were testing a new machine intended to stop or reverse the aging process. It could've saved all three trillionaires unfortunately we neglected to test the machine on the poor like we usually do we were to sure of our own genius but the machine was accidentally set forward-

Donnie: Wait wait wait why would you add a setting to forward aging? Doesn't that to defeat the entire purpose of the machine?

Loopty: Stop interrupting me! Anyway by the time we managed to get out it was to late at least for me

Loopty had turned old and skinny while Lyle had became old and fat. Loopty had gotten a heart attack and died

Loopty: Now that evil son of a bitch is going to take over the empire we built together! Without me to share it with him he'll make all the goddamn money in the world and become the fourth trillionare and get all the credit!

Raph: So how is him taking over evil and not you two experimenting on the poor not?

Blitz: Yeah that's not really evil.

Loopty: It's evil towards me! Now get your asses up above and send that heartless no good son of bitch to hell where he belongs!

Blitz: y-you do know poopty.

Loopty: LOOPTY!

Blitz: Of course if we do kill him though and he ends up down here you will be stuck with forever

Loopty:  oh trust me *tons of weapons appear from his back* I'm counting on it.

Moxxie: That's kinda hot.

Millie: alright boys you ready?

Raph: Um actually is it okay if we stay here?

Mikey: Yeah you guys can handle it's just some old guy.

Donnie: Yeah we'll be fine.

Millie: Alright you can stay but don't leave okay? I mean it.

Leo: Yeah we won't hehe.

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