"i love you with all my heart"

310 12 2

0.7K wordcount
warnings: slight death mention
requested: no
tags: Tsunami1729


I sat down rather heavily on the grass, dropping my head in my hands and sighing in relief.

"We did it."

My voice sounded exhausted, even to me. Strained, scratchy, and tired. So, so tired.

I looked up at my best friend, squinting at his face. The sun was shining brightly, just behind his figure, making it hard to make out his features.

His sea-green eyes glittered with regretful tears. Smudges covered his face; scratches and bruises too. His black hair was unusually messy, rumpled and sticking out in all directions.

I doubted I looked any better. I ran both hands through my short dark brown hair, my fingers snagging in the many tangles and knots. I gave up, simply tucking it behind my ears and leaving it for the showers to deal with. I rubbed the back of my hand against my cheek, and it came away covered in dirt and monster dust. I examined my hands carefully, noticing the dirt caked under my fingernails, my palms rubbed raw from holding a sword for days, my arms scattered with cuts and scars.

I rolled my eyes, almost annoyed at the state I was in. "Gods, I need a shower desperately."

Percy dropped to the ground beside me, knees up near his chest, his arms dangling over them. His eyes were fixed on the horizon, at the sun setting over Long Island Sound.

"Percy?" I asked quietly. "Everything okay?"

"Hmm?" He dragged his gaze away from the ocean, his eyes finding mine. "Uh, yeah. Yeah, I'm good. Thanks, Riv."

I frowned slightly. "Okay..." He didn't seem fine. I mean, none of us were completely alright right now. What with the war just finishing, and all of the deaths of our friends, I think every single kid at camp was in shock. But still, I'd never seen Percy like this. Not ever.

He was always so strong and brave, holding everyone together. Keeping everyone calm and hopeful. He was a rock, hard and firm and steadfast. I knew I could always look into his sea-green eyes and immediately feel the warmth and comfort and strength of the sea.

But now, I looked into his eyes, all I could see inside of them was shattered sea glass.

"Hey, hey." I put my hand on his arm, forcing him to look at me. "I'm here. You're a hero. It's going to be alright."

Percy slowly nodded, then he crumbled into my arms, silently holding me. I wrapped my arms around him as tightly as I could manage to.

"All those people, y/n..." Percy's voice was more cracked than I'd ever heard it. "They all died... because of me. Because I couldn't save them. I wasn't good enough."

Tears glistened in my eyes, and I struggled to keep my voice level. "You are amazing. You were so incredible, fighting out there. You're the reason any of us lived, Percy. You saved my life more times than I can even count. It wasn't your fault Kronos' army was stronger than us. You're only one person."

Percy doesn't answer, but I can feel him exhale on the bare skin of my collarbone.

"I love you, Percy Jackson," I admitted. "So much. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. But I'm glad I'm still here to say it."

The son of Poseidon pushed himself up, looking me in the face. "You... do?"

I nodded.

"You love me?" The self-hatred in his voice broke my heart. "But I'm—"

I cut him off. "Absolutely amazing. You're the best sword fighter Camp Half-Blood has ever seen. You're so loyal to your friends, and you'd do anything for the people you love. Everyone who knows you is the luckiest person in the world. You're caring, and fun, and you always notice the people that go unnoticed. You're incredible, Percy Jackson. And I love you with all my heart."

Percy blinked at me, then his fingertips were under my chin, pulling me towards him. He tasted like saltwater, but I'm not sure whether it's because he's the son of the sea, or because of his tears.

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