Ch. 9

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"Snow angel," 

"Please" She begged bringing his hand toward her. "Your warm." She mused with a small smile. He sighs, and nods crawling next to her and etching under the covers. She laid on his chest, playing with hem of his sweater. He ran his hands through her hair. Kissing her hairline every now and then. "What are you going to name your bear?" He whispered, now knowing if she is awake or not. "Templeton." She said without hesitation, making him laugh. "What?" she asked looking into his eyes. "Templeton? Where did you come up with that?" She shrugs and pats her hip signaling for Templeton to lay there. "I don't know. It fits him." 

"Templeton it is." 

They laid together; their eyes closed neither asleep. Just resting, relishing in the moment. Being together. "I never want to leave." She whispered nuzzling her head in the crook of his neck. "I never want to leave you." She whispers kissing his cheek. "Then don't, stay with me. Be with me." He answers opening his eyes. He turns his arms falling to the sides of her head. "Stay with me. Your happy, I'm happy." He reasons their eyes search the others, his lips hover over hers. "Can I even do that?" She asks softly, he nods and leans in kissing her. "It would be perfect; you would work in the kitchens. We could be together. Just you, me, and Templeton." He mused kissing her neck. 

"What about my dad?" He pauses forgetting about that one variable. "Well, we could visit him, or we could give you and him a snow globe. Like Charlie and your uncle." He thinks out loud. "Y/n I have never felt this way about anyone. I, I don't want to go without you." He uttered, kissing her cheek. She nods, "I don't want to hurt him."

"I don't think you will. Look, I'll talk to your uncle about it. Just please don't give up on the idea." 

"I won't." He lays back down at her side, and she nuzzles back into his neck. He held her tightly, anxiety of having to let her go burns in his mind. He sits and ponders for a moment, her breathing still and shallow. She's asleep. He could go with her. He muses glancing down at her. If he can bring the idea of her coming to another world. Then it is perfectly reasonable of him to do it too. 

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