Chapter 1

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Word Count: 1392

My name is Aurora Lupin, I'm in my fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I was always lonely as a kid until I met three first years, Harry, Hermione, and Ron. Who they introduced me to Fred and George, Ron's older brothers. They're the only friends I really have, of course I've met other people at Hogwarts but I never clicked with any of them the way I clicked with these guys. Hermione was always very smart, so we got even closer last year when we had many of our classes together. Fred and George introduced me to their friends,most of them are fine, but Cedric Diggory is the worst of them all. He had always teased me, until one day in third year I turned him into a badger. I had a months detention for that, but it sure did feel good. Now it's just snarky comments every now and then. But I still can't stand him, and the fact that all of my friends like him, doesn't help my situation.


I woke up due to someone shaking me. "Wake up, Aurora! Breakfast is almost ready!" I heard. I opened my eyes to a panicked Hermione staring down at me. I quickly got up and started getting dressed. "are we late?! What time is it?" I spurted. She replied with "We are five minutes behind schedule! We have to leave in 45 minutes!"

I stopped getting dressed, I stared at her with my jeans unbuttoned and just in a bra. "That's what you woke me up for? 45 minutes?" I said to her in an annoyed tone. "Yes! We are going to be late if you don't hurry your arse up!" I took my time getting dressed and ready.

I wore a a long sleeved black shirt, with a red jumper on top, since it would be cold out. I brushed my hair and put on some mascara. I quickly ran down the stairs, remembering I should wake up Ron and Harry. But once I got to their rooms I saw Hermione had already gone to wake up Ron.

So, I turned around and ran down the stairs, almost bumping into Fred on the way down. We all sat at the table and ate some breakfast. "Alright boys, Cedric, and his father are meeting us halfway. I want you to be on your best behavior, his father is a good man and doesn't need you to get Cedric in trouble." Mr. Weasley said.

I spat out my pumpkin juice into my lap, while the boys started singing and dancing around the table. "Cedrics coming?" I said clearly irritated by the new discovery. "Of course he is" Fred whispered in one ear. "He's our best friend" George whispered in the other, as they continued to dance around the table.

We walked through the woods until we heard Mr. Diggory talking to Mr. Weasley. The girls and I stopped and looked over, as we turned Cedric jumped out of the tree. We made eye contact as he said "Oh, you." while quickly fixing his hair.

"Me." I said as I awkwardly nodded. Fred and george ran over to him and started punching him lightly, pretending to start a fight. Cedric slapping them to stop, eyes wide, he whispered, "You didn't tell me she was coming!?" Fred said loudly "We thought it would be a happy surprise for you."

Ginny turned to Hermione and I saying "He's dreamy." Hermione agreed with her and they started giggling. "He's an arse, " I said in response.

They widened their eyes and giggled to each other as they kept talking about Cedric. I rolled my eyes walking ahead and started walking with Fred, as George and Cedric sped up.

"Did you hear about what's happening at Hogwarts this year?" He asked me. "No? What's happening?" I asked, confused. "We are hosting the Triwizard Tournament!" he said in his extravagant voice.

"Are you serious! I've always wanted to be one of those manager people!" He paused and looked at me disgusted. "You would rather be one of the champions manager than be a champion?" he kept his disgusted face as I responded "Of course, why risk my life when I can help someone else risk theirs." He nodded, "Good point, maybe you'll be my manager and I'll be the champion." He said flexing his muscles.

"You? Champion? Let's be realistic here, Fred." I giggled as he tried to start a fight with me. "Well, Aurora. Who would be a good champion? Cedric?" I laughed and said "He'd be better than you." George and Cedric were only a foot ahead of us by now, and turned around. George immediately started teasing Fred, whereas Cedric turned around and smiled.

"Don't think it's a compliment, Diggory, lots of people are better than Fred." He smirked at me and responded "Alright, Ms. Lupin." Turning back around and talking to George again.


Once we had arrived at the tent I lied down on the carpet in a circle with the girls. We all sat with our stomachs to the floor giggling about what we were gonna do this year at Hogwarts now that a bunch of schools would stay with us. After around half an hour all of the kids were in a circle on the carpet, then Cedric walked in and sat with us.

We were all talking about the Triwizard tournament. "I heard that it's an all boys school and an all girls school coming." George said.

The girls all looked at eachother and smirked, while fred said "Well, that's great for us." As he elbowed cedric and pointed at Harry. "Maybe Ron will finally find someone." The boys all laughed at the joke, while Ron sulked. "Piss off, Fred. You couldn't get a girl if you tried." George ooh'd.

Fred responded with "Oh, yeah? Watch this" He walked over to me and put his arm around my shoulder. "Will you be my girlfriend, aurora?" I looked at him and made my voice squeaky and leaned against him throwing my hand onto my head "Oh of course I will Freddy." The boys laughed and Fred went back to where he was seated, "See?" Ron scoffed and rolled his eyes.


Suddenly the laughter and singing stopped. "It's not the irish" Mr. Weasley said. He rushed us all outside "Fred and George, Ginny is your responsibility. Cedric take Aurora. Everyone get back to the port key, now!"

Everyone scattered, Cedric grabbed my hand and started dragging me through the crowd of screaming people. As we ran a little girl was screaming for her mother. I pulled away from Cedric to get to her, "what the hell are you doing?!" He yelled as he ran after me. "Are you alright?" I asked the worried girl, a look of horror on her face she said, "I can't find my mum." She held onto me and cried. I looked over to my right and saw death eaters coming straight toward us. A woman ran up and took the child.

Although, a death eater ran straight up to me putting the wand against my throat. "Where is he?" He spat in my face. I stayed silent. "Stupefy!" I heard from my right. The death eater flew off me and Cedric grabbed my hand once again, running off to the port key. Once we were far enough away I ripped my hand from Cedrics. "What the hell!" I yelled. He turned towards me a confused reaction on his face. "What?" he said quietly. "I didn't need your help back there."

I argued. stomping back to the port key. He froze for a moment, trying to understand what was happening. "Are you mad?" He yelled. "It was about to kill you!" I turned towards him, pointing my wand my his throat "Yeah, well I'm about to kill you!". "You wouldn't." He scoffed. "And why is that, Diggory?" He halted, lowering my wand with his fingers. "You wouldn't have anyone to hate without me." He proclaimed. "I don't need to hate anyone, you are just easy to hate." He paused for a moment before walking next to me and saying "Alright, then." I was silent all the way back to the portkey, Cedric on the other hand would chuckle to himself every few minutes.


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